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ubank User Guide

ubank uses a new and exciting workflow that digitises the whole process, making it easier and creating an opportunity for instant approvals

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over 12 months ago


ubank Loanapp Overview

This is a guide on how to complete an ubank application through Loanapp, check serviceability, generate your supporting documents checklists, ubank application forms, submit to ubank and upload supporting documents.

ubank also offer some training materials on the Broker Portal. You will need to login using your ubank credentials and then go to Application Process in the menu.

If you would to a review general Loanapp info, please scroll down to the 2nd half of the article titled Loanapp Overview.

The ubank Application Process in Loanapp

The application process is streamlined and made easier by using a range of different digital tools. This order below, is suggested to make the application process easier.

  1. Launch Loanapp

  2. Complete the Current Situation Tab and enter Person Applicants information

  3. Complete Identity Verification and VOI

  4. Request Smart Statements from the Applicants

  5. Complete the New Requirements Tab

  6. Generate Forms and Electronic Sign

  7. The Submit Process

  8. Submit Supporting Documents (if required)

When you launch Loanapp for ubank, you will notice a whole lot of new functionality in the File Tab for their digital workflow. You will need to work through all sections within the File Tab to complete the application. Locked sections will be unlocked as you progress.

How to Launch Loanapp for ubank

You will be able to launch Loanapp via your Aggregator.

Building an Application

Current Situation Tab

To build an application, you start by completing the details under the Precursor Tab. 

To add Applicants, choose the appropriate menu item for Person Applicant.

When you add Applicants, several pages will appear that will need to be completed. You will note the page menu on the left hand side will expand as you add Applicants. These pages will each have sets of data that need to be completed. 

For example, when you add a Person Applicant, Contact Details, Other Details, Employment and Proof Of Identity pages are created and must be completed for that Applicant.

When adding the Household, you will be asked to add the Number of Adults and Dependants within the Household as well as Declared Living Expenses. Digital Living Expenses will be drawn from Smart Statements.

When adding Employment, ensure the Employer is the same as it appears on the Bank Statements. This will assist with identifying sources of income from Smart Statements later in the application process.

When adding Proof of Identity, ensure the Document Number is correct as this will assist with completing Identity Verification and VOI later in the application process.

When you have completed the Borrowers, you can then build the Statement of Position by adding Assets and Liabilities to the Application.

Complete Identity Verification

The ubank workflow requires you to digitally identify your Applicants (you don’t have to upload ID docs as supporting docs). 

Once all Applicants details have been entered you can run automated Identity Verification through the File Tab by clicking Send Request.

Once you click Send Request you will be able to check each Applicant’s details are correct before running Identity Verification.

If Identity Verification is successful, you will be notified in the pop-up window and the previous status of Not Sent will change to Sent in the File Tab.

You will note when you have successfully verified your Applicants, the next step in the ubank workflow, Initiate VOI will become unlocked.

Click here for more detailed instructions on Identity Verification.

Initiate and Complete Verification of Identity (VOI)

VOI is a third party service that verifies the identity of your Applicants for you. The service used asks the Applicant to verify themselves by uploading identity documents and a taking a series of liveness selfies.

VOI can only be complete via a smart phone.

Select Initiate VOI from the File Tab and then click Send Request. the VOI method from the drop down.

Confirm each Applicants details are correct and click Send Request.

Once the link is sent, the Not Completed in the File Tab will change to In Progress.

The Applicants will receive an sms from ubank and need to follow the instructions to complete VOI.

When your Applicants have completed VOI, you will see a Completed flag, and you will find that Smart Statements (the next step) is unlocked.

Click here for more detailed instructions on VOI.

Request Smart Statements from the Applicants (income and expenses)

The Smart Statements workflow triggers an invitation being sent to your Applicants to login to their bank accounts through a secure application and to extract their transaction data.

This data is then processed and income for 12 months and living

expenses the last 3 months will be retained. This information will

auto-populate into Loanapp.

As this data comes from their actual bank account, it will populate into Loanapp as ‘verified’ data – you will not need to supply supporting docs for these elements of your application.  

To trigger the Smart Statements workflow, select Smart Statements from the File Tab (1) and click Send Request (2).

Confirm the Applicant’s detail and click Send Request again.

Once the request is sent, the Not Sent in the File Tab will change to Sent.

You can 'Resend Link' the request If customer cannot find the email; or 'Re-issue Request' if the employer name or applicant email address has changed.

The Applicant will receive an email from ubank and need to follow the instructions to complete Smart Statements. If at first they don’t receive it, ask them to check their junk folder.

The Applicant should provide consent if they agree to use Smart Statements, provided by BankStatements. They will then need to select their first financial institution.

The Applicant will need to enter their online login details for the chosen financial institution.

This process will need to be repeated for each financial institution the Applicant wishes to provide information for on the Application by clicking on Add Another Bank account.

When the all accounts are added and Finish is pressed, the following screen is displayed.

When the Applicants have accessed all their relevant accounts (e.g. home loans, credit cards, transaction and savings accounts), each of the accessed account will appear in the table in the Smart Statements section.

When you are satisfied the applicants have accessed all their accounts, click the Complete Process button to end the Smart Statements process.

And confirm you would like to mark as complete to complete the Smart Statements process.

You will now see each account and its details populated into the interface (1). You will note the data will be locked (2) – you will not be able to change any data that has been populated via the Smart Statements process.

You will need to complete the fields with red borders (3) to clear the validation errors.

Check the Other Assets, Mortgage Liabilities and Other Liabilities sections in the application to ensure data has been correctly populated into these sections of the Application and complete any fields that are flagged with an error or outlined in red.

If the information returned by Smart Statements is NOT correct, answer Manual Review Required with Yes. This will trigger the Application to be referred to an Assessor rather than electronic assessment.

A comments box will become available and ask you to Provide Correct Details.

As the Broker, it is your role as to ensure all the accounts that are pertinent to the application have been accessed. Keep an eye on the table in the Smart Statements section that notes all the accounts that have been accessed. If any accounts are missing, you will need to follow this up with the Applicants.

While the Smart statements process auto-completes much of your assets and liabilities, you need to check you (or Smart Statements) have entered all information on the Current Situation Tab necessary to make up a Statement of Position.

NOTE: You will see a yellow warning notification on specific screens. This indicates that you cannot make changes to items added by Smart Statements. You will only be able to amend items you have added manually.

Once you've checked & completed the Assets & Liabilities in the Current Situation tab, please move to the Summary tab where you will find the Digital Transactions section. This is where you now need to do the same for the Income & Expenses

The Income needs to be checked and confirmed. If there are any discrepancies, please leave notes in the Application Comments section.

The Expenses will be split into two. Declared Expenses on the left and Digital Expenses on the right. If there are any concerns with either Declared or Digital expenses, there will be mandatory comments sections which you will need to fill in.

Click here for more detailed instructions on Smart Statements.

New Requirements

Continue the application by adding the New Requirements – new property, new loan and any contribution funds.

To add the property being purchased, select New Purchase in the ribbon, then choose the property type.

You will then be asked to enter details about the property and to add the address. To add the property’s address, click on the plus ‘+’ icon and then Physical Address.

Loanapp has type ahead functionality to find the correct property, which calls out to CoreLogic and pulls down a whole lot of information about the property that is inserted into your application. For more information about adding in a property click here.

You can then select the property or choose to enter the address manually if it is not found.

If you select a property from the search, you can check that its details are correct after clicking Submit.

Should you choose to enter the address manually, you will be presented with a new screen. 

This will add the property to the application and you can continue adding it’s details. To finish adding the property, complete the red fields in the Property Details page from the tree menu on the left. 

To add additional new properties, repeat these steps.

You will also need to enter the New Loan details under the New Requirements Tab. To add a loan product, click on Add Loan Account.

A pop-up will open and you will be able to select the product from a list. Click Add Loan Account to add it to the Application. 

You will then be asked to complete the Loan details. The Lending Purpose is added using a similar style pop-up.

Summary and Compliance Tabs

The Summary and Compliance Tabs ask you to provide consent for your Applicants to allow electronic signature of their application form.

The Compliance Tab requires you (the Broker) complete a series of questions relating to the Applicants’ requirements and objectives. This will be used by ubank as part of its assessment of the customer's application. Often referred to as the Broker Interview Guide.


When you have completed a valid application (i.e. no more red bells), you can generate the summary and serviceability reports which break down the details of the application for easy visual review; and calculate the serviceability of the application.

When you click Serviceability, Loanapp will run a quick validation check to make sure you have completed all the required fields on the Application and it complies with ubank's business logic. 

If anything is outstanding, you will be able to click through from the validation check to the right section of the application to complete.

When you finish the validation check, you can generate different reports by clicking on the menus within the summary and serviceability tabs.

Supporting Documents Checklist

Because ubank use verified data from Smart Statements, Digital ID etc, you will rarely have anything you need to provide on supporting docs! If you do need to provide any supporting docs the Checklist menu item generates a supporting documents checklist that is created for your application scenario, against ubank’s requirements. 

Generate Forms (Print Forms)

You are now ready to validate and generate Forms (i.e. Broker Interview Guide and Application Form). 

Click on Generate Forms, then Validate to check you have completed the required data.

Loanapp will run the validation and detail any errors if they occur.

Then you will be able to:

  • Generate a PDF (choose this option if you are sure you are ready to print – it generates the actual PDF which is a slightly longer process; or

  • Generate HTML (choose this option if you want to check the data on the Application Form and go back into the application and change anything - it’s the quick option)

  • If you select HTML Preview a pop-up will appear for you to review the Application Forms.

After you choose to Generate PDF,  you can choose to open or download the PDF.

Click here for more detailed instructions on Generate Forms.

Electronic Sign

NOTE: After signing the documents your application will be locked for submission to ubank.

Now that the forms are generated, both the Applicants and you need to sign them. Signing the forms is done electronically via DocuSign, rather than by printing and getting a wet signature.

To initiate the electronic signing process, click on Electronic Signature in the File Tab. You will be able to check contact details are correct and then Send Request.

You will be able to check contact details one last time before sending the documents for signing. If they are incorrect you can change them on the Application and then click Send Request.

Once you have sent the request, both the Applicants and you will receive an email from ubank asking you to Review Documents and sign using DocuSign.

NOTE: The following images are of the Client’s view, however the steps are the same as a Broker.

The Document/s will load and you will be able to read them, followed by electronically signing where required.

To sign, click on the yellow Sign button and confirm your signature.

This will populate the document with your signature and a date stamp. Do this wherever required and then click Finish at the bottom or top right. 

After signing, the document is locked and is ready for submission to ubank.

When the Applicants and you have signed all the forms, they will be sent to Supporting Documents section so that you can easily send up to ubank.

Click here for more detailed instructions on Electronic Sign.

The Submit Process

To Submit the Application select Submit and then click on Submit Application.

Loanapp will ask you to confirm the submission.

When you have finished the submit process, you will be presented with two options.

  1. Finalise Supporting Documents, where you can upload and allocate your documents and submit to ubank

  2. Re-Open your submitted application in read only mode

If you choose option 2, you will go back into your submitted Application. Your Lender Reference Number (LARN) will be on the right side of the yellow bar; and you can click on the Red Supporting Documents button to finalise and submit your supporting documents to the Lender.

If you choose option 1, you will go straight to the supporting documents engine.

Supporting Documents Upload

You can upload Supporting Documents both before and after you submit the actual Loan Application. 

If you upload any documents before you submit, this is just a handy way to house your docs as they come to hand, while you are building your application. This will not submit the docs to ubank.

To upload documents before submission, click on the Supporting Docs in the File Tab. When you click on here, you will open the Supporting Documents engine that allows you to upload your documents.

You can drag and drop files or click the "add files" button to select files to upload.

After you submit your loan, when you go back into supporting documents (in the FILE tab), you will go into the full version of the supporting documents engine. The engine has several panels.

  • Panel 1 displays the first page of each of your uploaded documents

  • If you click on a front page in Panel 1, Panel 2 displays all the pages in that document

  • Panel 3 is the checklist you must satisfy for this loan

  • If you click on an item in Panel 3, Panel 4 displays all the documents the Lender allows to satisfy that requirement

To upload more documents, click Upload in the top left corner to select from your files, or you can drag and drop into the first panel. You can upload all sorts of files - PDF, JPEG, PNG, Word, Excel.

When you have uploaded all your documents, you can drag a full document from the first panel, or pages from the second panel, across to a requirement and attach it to satisfy the condition.

Depending on Lender requirements, you may need to validate the document. If you do, you will be presented with a new screen with a large image of the document (you can click through the pages on the left if you need to), and the items the Lender requires you to confirm on the supporting document. You will need to click the verification rules and Save.

When the documents are "attached", they will be visible on Panel 4, and the condition in Panel 3 will be satisfied (it will have turned Green).

Click through all the requirements, attach the required documents, and the 'Completed' and 'Remaining' counters will change accordingly, as you turn items Green. When you have completed everything, you will have all green items, and no further documents required. You can now send Submit documents to Lender.

If you need to request an exception for a Supporting Document, click the Create Exception button.

If you wish to upload documents not specified in the checklist, you can do this by adding them to Other Documents.

Loanapp Overview

Loanapp is a new lodgement tool that has a great new user experience designed to make data entry faster and easier; and all the functionality that you need to complete a loan submission like auto-populated Application Forms, fast and easy supporting docs upload, and a check of serviceability. 

Remember, if you need help at any time, you can live chat from within Loanapp (see details below).

Loanapp Layout

Loanapp has several Tabs and Menu items that represent sections of a Loan Application and make it easy for you to move about to different sections of the application. 

NOTE: you can complete an application in any order you wish.

Precursor Tab

The precursor tab is where you land, when you first open Loanapp. The Precursor tab is mostly auto-filled with information about you, the creator and submitter of the loan. This data will have come from your credentials within your Aggregator (so if anything is wrong, it will need to be changed in your profile in your Aggregator CRM for future Applications).

Current Situation Tab

The Current Situation Tab is where you complete all the information about your Applicant's current situation. Here you add Applicants, their contact and employment details, and their existing Assets and Liabilities. Note that because the ubank workflow auto-populates and verifies a lot of data from your customer’s actual bank statements, when you open Loanapp you will see it auto-populated with the data you had in your CRM, but some of it might have been purposefully dropped in the open process to accommodate the ubank workflow. For instance, the customer’s liabilities you have completed in your aggregator CRM will not have been populated into Loanapp – as ubank’s workflow auto-populates these elements from your Applicants’ bank accounts. 

In this example, one Applicant has been populated.

You can click through the tree on the left to check or add details about your Applicants such as contact details, employment and proof of ID. In this image, I have clicked on Samantha O’Connor and I have been taken to the details page for Samantha.

Loanapp has logic built in it where it identifies any information that ubank needs to be able to process a Loan Application. You can see where required data is missing in a section where there is a red bell, and when you click to open the page with the red bell, the data fields that are missing in that page will have red borders, and there will be a list of the errors on the page in the top right.

New Requirements Tab

The New Requirements Tab is where you add the details of this Loan Application, such as new properties being purchased and the loans that are being applied for. You can also add the details of any contribution funds being provided in the application.

Summary Tab

The Summary Tab is a simple tab that captures the consent for your Applicants to allow electronic signature of their application forms, which is required in the ubank workflow.

Compliance Tab

This will be a series of questions relating to the Applicants’ requirements and objectives and will be used by ubank as part of its assessment of the customer's application. Often referred to as the Broker Interview Guide.

Loanapp Features

Help – The Blue Button

The most important button we want you to know about is the help button in the bottom right corner. When you click on this button, you'll notice this has triggered a pop-up window to open providing you with two options to choose from:

  1. Get Support by 'starting a new conversation' - our online chat service where you can get in touch directly with our friendly Loanapp support team

  2. Our Help Centre by 'finding an answer quickly' - where you have access to many useful articles and videos that may assist in your query

Live Business Validation

Loanapp has ubank validation rules built into it. When you open an application, you will be able to see visually what data needs to be completed in a few ways:

  • Fields that must be completed will have a Red border. Fields with a neutral border you can complete if you like, but the Lender doesn't necessarily require the information.

  • Pages or sections that are not complete and have something missing can be identified by the Red bell symbol. When a section is complete, you will have a Green thumbs up symbol.

Unsatisfied validation rules for each page are always listed in the “messages” list in the top right corner of each page.

These rules will disappear as you type in the correct data.

Grabbing Data from Other Sources

Loanapp has some third party sources that we pull data from so that you don't have to type it in.

For example, when you are adding in a security property, we have type ahead functionality to find the correct property, which calls out to CoreLogic and pulls down a whole lot of information about the property that is inserted into your application.

We also call out to ABN Lookup when you are adding a company (e.g. an employer).


Loanapp uses several icons like the red bells and green thumbs up to help you visually. 

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