Lockwell's Workspace Security automatically scans your company's cloud storage for files that are shared insecurely, alerts you when any are found, and gives you insight to the cloud files used by your team.
You can see your team's workspace files on the Workspace Security page of the Lockwell web app.
Google Workspace Setup
Follow these steps to give Lockwell permission to scan your company's cloud storage for insecurely shared files:
Step 1: Sign in to Google Admin Console
Navigate to the Google Admin Console: admin.google.com.
Log in as a Super Administrator.
Step 2: Access API Controls
In the Admin Console, go to Security.
Under Access and data control, select API controls.
Step 3: Manage Domain-Wide Delegation
Scroll to the Domain-wide delegation section.
Click Manage Domain Wide Delegation.
Step 4: Edit or Add New Client ID
If an entry already exists with Lockwell's Client ID (i.e. you've already enabled the email firewall), simply edit the existing Client ID rather than creating a new one.
Click Add new to create a new client ID.
Enter the following Client ID:
Client ID:
Step 5: Enter OAuth Scopes
If an OAuth scope already exists for Lockwell's Client ID (i.e. for the email firewall), simply add this as an additional OAuth scope.
In the OAuth scopes field, enter the following two scopes that Lockwell's workspace security requires:
OAuth Scope 1:
OAuth Scope 2:
Both scopes are required for Lockwell's workspace security to function correctly!
Step 6: Authorize the Application
Once you have entered the Client ID and OAuth scope, click Authorize to save the configuration.
Congrats, Lockwell can now publish forensic audit logs when your team uses their Google Workspace account to sign into a service, aka a "SaaS sign in"! You can see your team's audit logs on the Forensics page of the Lockwell web app.
Workspace security is currently only available for customers on Google Workspace. Microsoft 365 support for scanning your OneDrive cloud storage is coming soon!