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Checkout extensions

Dive into a realm of enhanced customer engagement with checkout extensions.

Farah Bahoui avatar
Written by Farah Bahoui
Updated over a year ago


Loyoly's checkout extensions are designed to give greater visibility to your loyalty program rewards.

Integrate each extension into the checkout process to give customers a seamless experience and make the most of points and rewards.

📝 These two extensions are available only with Shopify Plus and with loyalty enabled.

Available extensions

Points extension

Showing potential loyalty points at checkout gives your customers an extra incentive to finalize a purchase and also to explore the benefits of your loyalty program.

Members and guests will be able to see the banner with the number of points they can earn by purchasing products. Points are calculated according to the parameters chosen on Loyoly.

Reward extension

By integrating reward redemption with checkout, customers are encouraged to redeem their rewards more frequently, boosting engagement and encouraging repeat purchases.

  1. If the customer arrives on the checkout page as a guest, the extension will display an invitation to log in or create an account to register for your loyalty program.

  2. Once logged in, the page displays the points available and a drop-down list from which the customer can select rewards that can be redeemed against their current balance, or rewards that can be redeemed against their existing balance.

  3. Once the customer has chosen a reward, Loyoly deducts the points from the balance and generates a discount code that is automatically added to the order.

📝 Note: Users can only add voucher, coupon and shipping rewards. Product rewards must be added to the shopping cart before checkout.

How do I install extensions?

  1. Go to your Shopify backoffice, then Online store.

  2. Then click on Customize.

  3. Click on Home page at the top and choose Checkout.

  4. In the bottom left-hand corner, add your extensions using the Add app block button. The blocks are positioned automatically.

  5. Don't forget to save!

Frequently asked questions

My customer redeemed points by mistake, what can I do?

If your customer redeemed points but never paid for the order with the discount, you can search for the customer in your Loyoly CRM and redeem the points in their profile.

Can I add both extensions?

Yes, of course. In fact, the two are complementary.

Where can I learn more about upgrading to Checkout extensibility?

To learn more you can check out this document from Shopify.

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