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Shopify + iDoklad

Documentation & FAQ for shop owners who use Shopify and iDoklad together.
10 articles
🛠️ Documentation
Customize your triggers, content and settings as you wish.
ConnectionConnect iDoklad to Shopify Store. 3 minutes.
TriggersCreate X type of document when Y order event happens
ContentCustomize your generated iDoklad document details
Quick answers for the most popular questions.
Invoice was not created in iDoklad?Make sure you meet all these requirements
Create iDoklad documents manuallyGenerate documents manually for existing orders
Collect customer's VAT ID (DIČ)/ Company ID (IČO) and send it to iDokladUse Address line 2 for this purpose
Available tags to useUse merge tags on created iDoklad documents
Can I connect multiple stores to one iDoklad account?Yes, you can
How to put my company logo to invoice?Show your logo
iDoklad API quota has run outHow to increase your limit