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What is a Work Order List View
Written by George Newman
Updated over a week ago

There are four types of views available for the work orders; List, Table, Board, Map, and Calendar. Here we will explain to you the List view of the Work Order.

List View

This view shows all the work orders in the List and for each work order in the list, the user can see the following information.

Work order title: Added during the work order creation process. It helps in identifying the work orders in the list.

Work Order ID: A unique identifier for each work order. It helps in identifying the work orders in the list.

Facility Name: The facility for which the work order was created or the facility that has raised the work order for the OEM.

Machine name: The name of the machine for which the work order was created.

Machine serial number: The serial number of the machine.

Attached procedures: Shows the number of attached procedures to the work order.

Assignee: The user to whom the work order is assigned by the OEM. This person is responsible for completing the work order.

Work Order Status: The current status of the work order. The work order can go through different statuses before it is completed.

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