Create Time Tracking Tags
Before you can start tracking the time, it is required to define the time-tracking tags in the Main Settings. Make sure you have admin access on the Makula platform as this setting is available at the company level. To create tags, please follow the following steps
Go to Main Settings > Company Settings > Time Tracker
Select “+ Add New Tag” under the “All Tags” section to show the option to add the tags.
Write the tag label that you want to add to the work order and choose an appropriate colour for it.
Select “Save” to add the tag for the work order time tracking.
Edit and Delete Tags
To edit or delete the tags click on the three dots in the tag to open the options to “Edit Tag” and “Delete Tag”.
The “Edit Tag” will allow you to change the tag label and colour.
The “Delete Tag” will delete the tag from the Time Tracker. It will also delete the time tracking entry using this tag on the work order.