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Create a Procedure

This article describes how you can create a procedure template and attach its instance to a work order.

Written by George Newman
Updated over a week ago

What is a Procedure

The “Procedures” feature is designed to enhance your operational efficiency. You can create and maintain a comprehensive procedures library, digitally defining all machine service procedures and conveniently attaching the necessary resources for engineers to reference. These procedures will be readily available to the engineers on work orders. The service engineers will be able to fill out these forms digitally and attach documentary proof (pictures) and the signature of the facility manager on-site.

Creating Procedure Template

Locate the Procedure

Log into your Makula account and click on the Procedures in the left menu. Now you will either see a blank screen or you will see some procedure templates if you have previously created them.

Create a Procedure Template


  1. To create a new procedure template, click on the “Create a procedure” button in the top right corner.

  2. Add the procedure name and procedure description (Optional) on the Create a procedure pop-up. The text of the description cannot exceed the 270-character limit.

  3. Click on “Get Started” to create the procedure. A procedure page will be shown with the procedure name and description if added during the creation process.

Add Field, Section, and Heading

On the procedure page, you will see under Add Item three types of items that you can add to create the procedure.

Add a Heading

To add a heading to the procedure click on the Heading in the Add item.

  • Rename heading: To rename the heading hover over the heading and select the edit pencil icon. The heading name will become editable.

  • Duplicate heading: To duplicate the heading hover over the heading and select the duplicate icon. This will create a copy of the heading.

  • Delete heading: To delete the heading hover over the heading and select the delete trash icon. This will delete the heading.

Add a Field

To add a field click on the Field in the Add item. Field type allows you to select and add the fields that best fit the item in the Procedure.

  • Field type: By default, the text field type will be selected. Click in the Field type dropdown will show all the field types.

  • Field label: The field label text will be shown as the title of the field.

  • Required Field: Selecting the required checkbox will make the field mandatory to be filled and you cannot finalize the form without filling it. This is available for all the field types except for Table.

  • Duplicate: This will add a copy of the field below it with the same field type selected. This will show the options selected or the description/label added by the user on the copy.

  • Description: This will add a description box for you to add additional information for the field. The limit for the description is 300 characters.

  • Attachments: This will allow you to attach additional information resources to the field. You can upload documents (PDF, Excel) and Images (jpeg, png). The attached files will be shown in the field. The size limit for the file attachment is 10 MB per file.

  • Delete: This will delete the field added to the procedure.

Add a Section

To group different fields in one section add the section to the Procedure. By default, the text field will be added to the section. More fields can be added in the section by clicking “+ Add field to section”.

  • Rename section: To rename the section hover over the section and select the edit pencil icon. The section name will become editable.

  • Duplicate section: To duplicate the section hover over the section and select the duplicate icon. This will create a copy of the section with all the fields and files added to it.

  • Delete section: To delete the section hover over the section and select the delete trash icon. This will delete the section along with all the fields and files added to it.

Selecting a Field Type

The following field types are available

  • Text Field: You can add text in this field. A text section will be shown to the user while filling out the procedure.

  • Check Box: Standard checkbox.

  • Number Field: You can input numbers only in this field.

  • Single Select: You can add multiple items in the field by clicking the “Add option”. The added option can be deleted when the text added for the option is removed. The character limit for each option is 80. For this field type, you can select only one option while filling out the procedure attached to a work order.

  • Checklist: You can add multiple items in the field by clicking the “Add option”. The added option can be deleted when the text added for the option is removed. You can select multiple options while filling out the procedure attached to a work order.

  • Image: This field will allow you to upload and attach images from the device in the field. The maximum size of the image allowed is 10 MB. The supported image file formats are JPEG and PNG.

  • Date: You can enter the date in this field. You can click on the calendar to select the date.

  • Table Field: You can add a table on the procedure by selecting a Table field. By default, three columns will be shown on the table. You can add more columns to the table by clicking the add column icon “+” at the end of the last column.

    • You can adjust the width of the column by hovering over the column separator and dragging the arrow left or right.

    • You can rename the column header by hovering over the column and selecting the edit pencil icon. The text in the column header will become editable. Clicking outside will save the text in the column header.

  • Parts Field: You can add parts to the procedure by selecting the Parts field. It will be a dropdown with all the parts in the inventory shown for users to select. All the parts irrespective of if they are assigned to the machines or not will be shown.

  • Members: You can add multiple users to the procedure by selecting the Members field. All the users added to company User Accounts will be shown in the dropdown. This field type will be used if one or more service engineers are involved in maintenance work.

Procedure Preview

You can see how the procedure would look when it is attached to a work order by clicking the preview icon in the header.

The preview of the procedure will be shown in a pop-up

Add Header to a Procedure

To add a company header to the procedure, go to procedure preview and click the “Customize header” button. The dimension of the header should be 100 x 794 pixels (Height x Width)

Upload the header by selecting “browse from your device”. Only JPEG and PNG files are supported.

The uploaded logo can be deleted by clicking the trash icon. To preview the header on the procedure, click on the back arrow next to “Customize procedure header”.

Add Signature to the Procedure Template

To add a signature field to the procedure,


  1. Select the Signature icon in the procedure template.

  2. Signature is an optional field and to add it to the procedure, enable the “Include signatures” toggle.

  3. Add the “Signatory Title” of the person who will sign on the procedure. It can be the representative of the company or the facility.

  4. More signatories can be added by clicking “+ Add signature”.

  5. To save added signatures click on “Save settings”.

The added signature can be seen on the procedure preview.

Save Procedure

To save the procedure template click on the “Save procedure” button at the top of the template.

The created procedure template will be shown in the Procedure Library

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