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All CollectionsGetting Started with Marathon Kids
Who will help you manage the program?
Who will help you manage the program?

Add Supporters to your account to help you manage the program and scan ID cards.

Stefanie Ediger avatar
Written by Stefanie Ediger
Updated over a week ago

Within your account, you can give others access to help you manage the program or just scan ID cards. We call these people Supporters.

Watch this quick video or read the content below.

Who are supporters? Co-workers, classroom teachers, regular volunteers, Principals, etc.

You can invite an unlimited number of supporters.

Each supporter will receive an email invitation to create their Marathon Kids account and then log in to accept their role. This email invitation connects the supporter to your club, which allows them the same view as you.

NOTE: Volunteers, and additional devices, who only need to help you scan ID cards can use the Join Live Session feature and do not need to be added as a Supporter to your account.

There are three types of permissions you can assign to a Supporter.

  • Coach

    • Read/edit access to the program information

    • Can start a live scanning session on the mobile scanner app

    • Pull reports, add/delete participants, print ID cards, and more!

  • Assistant Coach

    • Read-only access to the program information

      • Can review the data but can not edit the data

    • Can start a live scanning session on the mobile scanner app

  • Org Leader

    • This is usually a Principal or Organizational Leader.

    • Read-only access to the program information

      • Can review the data but can not edit the data

      • Can help scan ID cards by using the Join Live Session feature.

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