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Create a Time Estimate & Budget
Create a Time Estimate & Budget
Mary Beth avatar
Written by Mary Beth
Updated over 11 months ago

Step One

Create the Scope Item

Materio is built so that each project has items culminating in a Scope of Work (SOW). To utilize the itemized time feature, you must create an item and its estimate. This can be accomplished using the Scope Starter when creating the project or clicking on the + symbol within the desired category.

Next, enter the item's name and ensure the selection icon is gray to indicate that this item does not need the client to select. If you forget or miss this step, you can always dismiss a selection by clicking the Selection is not needed… text on the item details panel by clicking on the item name.

Step Two

Create the Estimate

Option A: Estimate from the Scope of Work

You can quickly enter the necessary information to estimate an item directly from the SOW. Click on the quantity (it will say x1 by default), and a flyout menu will appear. Enter the number of hours for this item. For example, if I’m estimating site visits and think there will be four site visits that will result in one billable hour per visit, I’d enter four. You can also change the unit to say hrs explicitly. To save, click anywhere on the page.

Example: Entering the hours.

Next, click the yellow $0 to open the pricing flyout menu. Enter the cost per hour as the unit price. This can be a known value (you always pay subcontractor Joe Smith $50/hour) or a best guess. After you’ve entered the cost basis, you can either enter the markup percentage or use the calculator icon to manually enter the billable rate (the price per hour you plan to bill the client).

Once you have entered the billable rate as the client unit price or a markup percentage, click anywhere on the page to close the flyout, and the item will be estimated. Additionally, you can open the item details panels to enter a more detailed description and add any documentation.

Example: Entering the cost rate.

Example: Entering the billable rate as $150.

Option B: Estimate from the Item Details Menu

Similarly to Option A above, we’ll need to enter the item quantity, unit cost (cost rate), and client price (billable rate). Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, click the save button.

We now have our time estimates with our cost, billable rate, and number of hours estimated.

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