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Email Templates

List of all system Emails sent to bidders with ability to manage/edit

Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated this week

Admin: Configurations: Email Templates

This page lists out all of the system emails that are sent to your Users. The far right column gives you the options to 'Edit' or 'mark as Inactive/disable' each Email.

Important: The 'From Email' needs to be your domain based email address - and that email address needs to be verified with our system through DNS records. Click here for more info.

Shortcodes: The email templates contain a number of shortcodes which are listed out below. The shortcodes are not compatible outside of their 'category'. For example, the '[Invoice number]' shortcode will only work in the 'Invoice System Emails' category of emails.

Email Template



Review Bidder Tax Exemption Form

Admin Emails

[Name],[Bidder number] [Company Name]

Tenant password updated

Admin Emails

[Name],[UserName], [Password], [Link for the webpage login], [Email], [Company Name]

Tenant access code

Admin Emails

[Name], [AccessCode]., [Email], [Company Name]

New user added

Admin Emails

[Name],[Role], [Website name]. , [UserName], [Password, [Email]

Bidder Registration: Duplicate Information Found

Admin Emails

[Name], [BidderName] , [BidderName], [Bidders] , [FirstName], [LastName], [Address], [City], [State], [Zip], [Phone], [HomePhone] [CellPhone]

New Bidder Registration

Admin Emails

[Name], [UserName], [FirstName], [LastName], [HomePhone] [CellPhone], [CompanyName], [BillingAddress], [ShippingAddress], [Createddatetime], [Company Name]

BuyNow Offer Received

Admin Emails

[Bidder Number], [Offer Amount Received], [Item Number] , [Name of the Auction]., Company Name]

Failed Login Attempt Notification

Admin Emails

[Name], [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder Failed Registration

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name], [company name]. [masked URL or direct link to registration form]. [Company Name]

Bidder: Tax Exemption Request Expired

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name], [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder Invoice: Payment Successful - Initiated by

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

Name], [Invoice number], [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder : Bidding Suspended

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name], [Company Name], [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder : Registration Fee Received

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name], [Company Name], [Email] , [Company Name]

Bidder: Tax Exemption Request Approved

Bidder and Consignor System Emails


Bidder: Tax Exemption Request Rejected

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name], [RejectedReason]

Bidder Confirmation

Bidder and Consignor System Emails


Bidder password updated

Bidder and Consignor System Emails


Bidder: Item Added to Watch List

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name],[Lot number – Item name], [ImageUrl], [Current bid]., [Ends in], [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder: Item Removed from Watchlist

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name],[Lot number – Item name], [ImageUrl], [Current bid]., [Ends in], [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder Registration: Pending Approval

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Username], Website name] , [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder Registration: Approved

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

Name], [UserName]

Bidder Registration: Added by Admin

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Name], [UserName], [Password]

Another bidder placed an equal or higher bid

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Lot number – Item name] , Current bid:[Current bid], [Your bid], [Ends in]

Bidder placed a winning bid

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

[Lot number – Item name], [ImageUrl], [Current bid], [Your bid], [Ends in], [Email], [Company Name]

Outbid Notification

Bidder and Consignor System Emails

Name],[ImageUrl], [Current bid], [Your bid], [Ends in],

Contact/Marketing: Subscribe to notifications

Contacts and Marketing Emails

[Name], [Company Name].

Un-subscribe from notifications

Contacts and Marketing Emails


Refund payments

Invoice System Emails

[Name], [Amount], [Invoice number], [Email], [Company Name]

Bidder Invoice: Invoice Attached

Invoice System Emails

[Name], [Company Name].

Bidder Invoice: Payment Successful

Invoice System Emails

[Name], [Invoice number]

Bidder Invoice: Payment Failed

Invoice System Emails

[Name], [Invoice number]

Bidder Invoice: Approved

Invoice System Emails

[Name], [Company Name].

Bidder Invoice: Approve & Charge

Invoice System Emails


Consignor: Settlement Email

Settlement System Emails

[Name], [Company Name], [Email]

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