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FAQ's Housing costs

FAQ's related to more specific questions related to housing costs.

Jeroen Beuls avatar
Written by Jeroen Beuls
Updated over 5 months ago

General aspects related to the housing costs within the mobility budget can be found in this article. This article gives more insights in some more detailed FAQ's.

👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽 What to do with housing costs if I live with my boyfriend/girlfriend or a roommate?

Housing costs of your husband/wife or your legal cohabitant is possible.

❗️Watch out: Housing costs can not be paid twice!

  • partner 1 finances the full rent via mobility budget 1 and partner 2 does the same via mobility budget 2: ❌

  • partner 1 finances the 50% of the rent via mobility budget 1 and partner 2 does the same via mobility budget 2: ✅

  • partner 1 finances the 70% of the rent via mobility budget 1 and partner 2 finance 30% of the rent via mobility budget 2: ✅

Housing costs can only be paid related to your share of the housing costs or related to the costs of living-in household family members. Housing costs of a boyfriend/girlfriend/roommate is hereby not possible.

🧐 Can I pay for a mortgage mandate?

By mortgage loan should be understood any loan that is partly or fully secured by a mortgage registration.

Interest and a loan that is partly secured by a mortgage loan and partly by a mortgage mandate can therefore be deducted in full from the mobility budget.

🏦 Can I pay for a bridging loan?

It is only possible to pay off rent, interest and capital repayments of mortgage loans with the mobility budget. We conclude that a bridging loan is not covered here. It is therefore not possible to pay for this with your mobility budget (not even the interest on it).

🏘 Can I pay for my 2nd residence?

Housing costs can only be paid with the mobility budget if it are housing costs related to the domiciled place of living. An 2nd residence doesn't have a domicile, so housing costs of an 2nd residence can not be paid with the mobility budget.

💧🔌Can I pay for the utility costs, charges?

It's important to note that while the LMB can cover rent and mortgage-related costs, it does not extend to other housing-related expenses such as utility costs (water, gas, electricity) or common charges associated with the rental property. These are not included under the eligible housing costs that can be financed through the mobility budget.

🧾 Which proof do I need?

For the payment of a rent, the rent contract is the proof. Within the rent contract the rent period, the rent amount, the address, the names and the signatures of the tenant and the landlord should be clearly visible.

For the payment of intrest and capital reimbursements on your mortgage loan, the loan contract is the proof. With clearly stated the name of the employee, the address, monthly amount paid (the amortization table) and the end date of the contract.

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