Everything you need to know about the legal mobility budget
Which expenses are covered by the legal mobility budget?A comprehensive overview of possible expenses under pillar 2 of the legal mobility budget.
FAQ's Housing costsFAQ's related to more specific questions related to housing costs.
Which expenses related to housing costs are covered by the legal mobility budget?If you live within 10 km of your normal place of work, you can finance rent, mortgage interests or capital payments with the mobility budget
Which expenses related to bike accessories are covered by the legal mobility budget?
Which expenses related to travels abroad are covered by the legal mobility budget?As it is allowed in your mobility policy, most pillar 2 expenses abroad are covered by the legal mobility budget.
Should I lease my company bike with my mobility budget?A comparison is made between bike leasing paid with the mobility budget and bike leasing via a salary sacrifice.
What justification document should be added to pillar 2 expenses?It is up to the employer to determine what justification must be submitted to prove the expense. No specific formalities are imposed.
Is my legal mobility budget fixed?A short article that describes when the mobility budget can be increased or decreased.
Is it allowed to add mobility expenses from before the legal mobility budgetNo, only expenses that occurred during the period in which the employee is entitled to the mobility budget are accepted.
Can a rental contract between family members or relatives be financed from the mobility budget?When is a rental contract between familie members allowed and when is it not? What supporting documents should one have?
When are expenses reimbursed?
Parental leave and the legal mobility budgetWhat about your mobility budget when you are on parental leave?