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How can I use Premium Insights to see how my business is doing?
How can I use Premium Insights to see how my business is doing?

Meadow's powerful Insights tools crunch the numbers to show you data you can use on sales, products and customers over time.

Updated over 3 years ago
  • Trying to see how a specific product, brand or category is performing over time

  • Want to know which customers have the largest cart size?

  • Looking to compare your in-store, online & phone orders by volume or $ value?

All of these questions and many more can be answered in Insights

Insights is divided into three components:

Each component shows detailed graphs that you can customize:

  • Select the timeframe and increment you want to view

  • Toggle the metric being displayed on the chart

For graphs that display multiple lines, you can also:

  • Add or remove lines from the charts (if it contains multiple lines)

  • Filter and/or search

  • Click columns to sort them by value

Learn about your sales, by order volume and $ value, by average, by order type, source and payment methods. This section is calculated using order grand totals. In the sales area, you can see the following charts:

Sales over time

  • View your total sales value, total orders volume and average sales per increment

  • Toggle between viewing value of sales in $ or number of orders.

Average cart size

  • See a breakdown of your average cart size in $, comparing averages between all orders, in-store, pickup and delivery.

Order breakdowns

  • See a breakdown of your orders by order type (in-store, delivery, pickup) in terms of total $ revenue and % of revenue.

  • Toggle between viewing order types by $ sales (revenue), order count, as a % of sales (revenue), % of orders (count), or average cart size.

Payment type

  • See a breakdown of your orders by payment type.

  • Toggle between viewing payment types by $ sales (revenue), order count, as a % of sales (revenue), % of orders (count), or average cart size.


  • See a breakdown of your orders by order creation source (in-store, Admin, online).

  • Toggle between viewing order source by $ sales (revenue), order count, as a % of sales (revenue), % of orders (count), or average cart size.

Dive deep into the performance of your product catalogue and portfolio. Chart how every category, product and option sells over time, in terms of revenue, unit volume, % of orders, margin and more. This section is calculated using line item totals. The products area is divided into five components:

Products Overview

  • See a breakdown of your top 5 categories, brands and products in both $ sales and % of revenue, total $ cost, and % margin (line item total - line item cost).


  • See a detailed breakdown of product category performance over time.

  • Toggle between percent of revenue (shows an area chart that adds to 100%), revenue in $, order count (shows number of orders containing products from category), unit count (shows total number of units sold from category), margin %, % of orders (shows % of orders containing products from category), cost of products sold (using cost per unit), and average sales price for products from category.


  • See breakdown of your products showing revenue, cost and margin.

  • Filter the list by category and/or brand; use search to find specific products.

  • Toggle between revenue in $, order count (shows number of orders containing products), unit count (shows total number of units of product sold), margin %, % of orders (shows % of orders containing products), cost of products sold (using cost per unit), and average sales price for products.

Product Options

  • For products that have multiple options, see a breakdown at the product option level.

  • Filter the list by category and/or brand; use search to find specific options.

  • Toggle between revenue in $, order count (shows number of orders containing product options), unit count (shows total number of units of product option sold), margin %, % of orders (shows % of orders containing product options), cost of products sold (using cost per unit), and average sales price for product options.


  • See breakdown of your brands showing revenue, cost and margin.

  • Use the search bar to find a specific brand.

  • Toggle between revenue in $, order count (shows number of orders containing products from brand), unit count (shows total number of units sold from brand), margin %, % of orders (shows % of orders containing products from brand), cost of products sold (using cost per unit), and average sales price for products from brand.

Get familiar with customer trends and how different customer types order. In the customers area, you can see the following charts:

Customer Insights Overview

  • See the total customers in the selected time period and average per increment, broken down into returning customers, new customers and anonymous (no profile created).

Referral Source

  • See a breakdown of $ and % of revenue as well as average cart size by referral source.

  • Toggle between sales in $, order count, average cart size, % of sales (revenue) and % of orders (count)


  • See a breakdown of $ and % of revenue as well as average cart size by gender on customer's profile (if any recorded).

  • Toggle between sales in $, order count, average cart size, % of sales (revenue) and % of orders (count)


  • See a breakdown of $ and % of revenue as well as average cart size by customer's age.

  • Toggle between sales in $, order count, average cart size, % of sales (revenue) and % of orders (count)


  • The Sales section uses order grand total to calculate total $ and % of revenue.

  • The Products section uses line item totals to calculate $ and % of sales. This figure does not deduct adjustments or discounts made at the order level.

  • Margin is calculated using the cost per unit entered on the purchase order for the product. It does not deduct excise tax. A product purchased with a $10 cost per unit and sold at $20 would show a 50% margin ($20-$10/$20 or price-cost/price).

  • Insights calculates on a trailing basis, meaning you won't be able to see data from today's sales in these charts.

  • While the calculations used in Insights are very accurate, they are not made for accounting purposes. Please use the Reports.

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