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Create an article that clinicians can call or email directly from

Link directly to phone numbers or email addresses so clinicians can call or email directly from their phones

Ben Rowland avatar
Written by Ben Rowland
Updated over a week ago

Directly linking from an article is a powerful efficiency tool for clinicians to click and call or email directly from their phones through an article in Med App. It works by creating a link and embedding phone numbers or email addresses.

How to setup linkable articles

This can only be done in a RTF (Rich Text Format) article type which works similarly to most text editors. If you haven't created one before, have a read of this for some of this article the basics.

  1. Open up an existing article or create a new one

  2. Insert a table to improve formatting if required (Green)

  3. Use the insert link button in the toolbar (Orange)

    1. Note: The link will appear where your cursor is placed

  4. To add a phone number type tel: followed by the phone number

    1. E.g. tel: 0417 xxx xxx

  5. To add an email address type mailto: before an email address

    1. E.g. Mailto:

How does this look on a mobile phone?

Once you have setup an article, try it out on your phone to see how it works.

Keeping details up to date

Remember that you will need to keep the links and details up to date as clinicians change. It is recommended to check this at each rotation.

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