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Style Guide: Rich text editor & formatting

Master rich text editing and formatting with our style guide

Duncan Paradice avatar
Written by Duncan Paradice
Updated over a week ago

The Med App text editor or rich text is a great way to add content to the app that is

  1. Available offline

  2. Optimised specifically for mobile devices

  3. Contents page generated automatically

  4. Tracks edit history

  5. Set review dates

Rich Text article

Rich text articles are mobile-optimised, offline available documents, that automatically generate a contents page!

How to create a mobile preview rich text articles

  1. Open any existing rich text document in the 'Articles' feature

  2. Use the 'preview' button at the bottom of the page to generate the mobile preview

  3. Use headings to generate an automatic contents page for mobile

What does a nice looking Article Look like?

Following a few basic principles will greatly improve the readability and structure of your document.

Admin portal of Med App showing different types of formatting; headings, line breaks and dot points

The Content Editor Toolbar

The below image shows all of the different tools available for formatting your content.

Summary of Buttons (click heading to view)

  1. Quick Add - add in images, video, tables, lists etc. from anywhere in the document

  2. Bold - Bolds the text, you can also use the shortcut ctrl+b (or cmd+b)

  3. Italics - Italicises the text, you can also use the shortcut ctrl+i (or cmd+i)

  4. Underline - Underlines the text, you can also use the shortcut ctrl+u (or cmd+u)

  5. Insert table

  6. Change font size

  7. Change font colour

  8. Clear formatting

  9. More text formatting options

  10. Align left

  11. Align middle

  12. Align right

  13. Block align

  14. Paragraph tools - numbered lists, dot point lists and heading formatting

  15. Hyperlink

  16. Add image

  17. Add video (Youtube or Vimeo)

  18. Add emoji

  19. Add special characters

  20. Add horizontal line

  21. Internal link - Add a link to another Heading or Article within your Med App account

  22. Undo

  23. Redo

  24. Other options - HTML code view, full screen editor, select all and editor help menu

Text Entry and Formatting

Headings structure

Where you use the heading feature, follow the structure below:

  1. Heading 1 for the main heading

  2. Heading 2 for subsequent headings and ideas

  3. Normal text for your body

  4. Remember to be neat and to be consistent.

How to change text headings

  1. Highlight the text you want to change

  2. Select the text & heading type

Removal of Anchors

If you copy text from Word into the editor, it might include internal references or links that create anchors in the text. Anchors make headings or other text look like hyperlinks (see example screenshot). Remove them when you edit the text.

Horizontal lines

Horizontal lines should be used above each heading or obvious break in sections of an article. This is because it helps to break up the document and looks good in the app

External Links

  • Links that are copied into the app will automatically hyperlink (they will appear blue and underlined).

  • To create a link highlight the text and select the link button

Internal Links

To link to other content in the app, use the ‘insert content’ button in the toolbar. This way, you can avoid repeating content across different Med App. To do this:

  1. Select insert content button (as seen below) in the toolbar

  2. Find the location of the content

  3. Select either the Heading or Article you want to link to.

  4. The internal link will appear as blue text in the Article, the same as the document name


These are boxes and highlighting that is applied to pieces of text. Use it to draw attention to key pieces of information in uploaded documents. If the original highlights or accents something, try to use relevant styles to achieve the same effect.

See example

Text Colour

This exists only on JD2. Use it to draw attention to/accentuate important pieces of content in the uploaded documents.

Special Characters

Sometimes when text is copied or imported special characters may go missing (eg. arrows etc.). You can add these back in using the special characters button in the toolbar.

see examples


Tables can be copied from various documents/web pages etc. When they are copied in the editor should strip out the width/other formatting, so that it appears consistent.

In JD2 you can make edits to the table by clicking into a cell inside the table.


TIP: You can upload a PDF as a 'content type' - i.e. PDF only when you add a new article. But you can also add it to the editor directly as well.

PDFs can be uploaded simply by dragging and dropping them from their file location to the editor.

When you release the PDF file inside the editor box it will automatically upload and create a link to it.


Images must be added to articles using the 'image' tool in the toolbar. Don't copy and paste image in as it results in a poorer user experience on the app.

REMEMBER - Check the uploaded content in the app! If the resolution on your screenshot or the image is too low, then no one will be able to read it in the app. If no one can read it, it is useless.

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