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Users import
Adrian Czyczerski avatar
Written by Adrian Czyczerski
Updated over a week ago

Adding users to the Application Users module

You can add participants of your event to the Application Users module in two ways. Individually through the admin panel (you can learn more about adding users in the article Users of your event), or by importing all attendees using a bulk file. This article describes how to properly create a file with the data of all the people participating in your event, and how to import it.

How to save the data for import?

Data for import should be saved in a file with csv format extension. Excel, Numbers (an app for iOS users) and Google Document Spreadsheets allow you to export to this extension.

Before exporting the data, make sure that the file saves in the Unicode UTF-8 encoding system. In case the file saves in a different encoding system and pops up an error when importing it in the panel, do the file conversion in the free online tool.

How to import users into the Application?

If you want to import users to an event, go to Manage and then click Application Users. Here you can manage user accounts and the list of participants. Click the cloud icon with an upward arrow in the upper right corner:

Then, through the Template button, download the ready-made template:

You can also prepare a file with csv format extension yourself, which will contain the following columns: first_name, last_name, email, position, company, country, biography, phone_number, user_groups, user_tags, image_url, user_external_uuid, ticket_id, exhibitor_moderator_ids, want_invoice, invoice_company_name, invoice_nip, invoice_street, invoice_street_no, invoice_city, invoice_state, invoice_country, invoice_post_code. In order to import the file correctly, all of the above columns should be present in the file, in the order given. A spelling error in the name of a column, or the skipping of one of them, will result in incorrect data import, or the absence of part of the data.

When importing users, it is required to fill in the fields in the first_name, last_name and email columns. Each cell should contain a minimum of 3 characters. The remaining columns are optional. Even if you do not fill in all the columns, their names should still appear in the imported file and in the indicated order.

Entering data for importing users

country – enter the two-letter country code according to the international standard, e.g. for Poland it will be PL.

phone_number – the user's phone number. When completing it, remember that the number should be entered without spaces, otherwise it will not be displayed in the application, this also applies to numbers with area code. When entering such a number, omit the "+" sign. Examples: 222333444, 48999888777.

user_groups – in this column enter a tag specifying a group of users. This will enable this group to display selected content. If the user is not assigned to any group, leave this field blank. This tag the user will not see in his profile.

user_tags – this tag specifies a participant and is visible to all users. This helps in establishing business contacts. Participants can add tags created in this section to their profiles on their own.

image_url – place a square profile picture on any hosting. Make sure it is available to the public, then paste a link to the file into the template that ends in image format (jpg or png).

user_external_uuid – each user automatically receives an individual QR code from our system. If you want to give participants QR codes from your own database, then insert their ID in this section. This feature is only available in dedicated applications. If you want to use it, we recommend contacting our representatives for details.

ticket_id – if during the import the participant should automatically receive one of the tickets prepared for the event, then insert their ID in this place. Contact your dedicated assistant to determine the types of tickets and their IDs.

exhibitor_moderator_ids – if you want to add any of your participants as an exhibitor moderator, enter true in this field and a blank exhibitor profile will be created for you to fill out. Learn more about the exhibitor moderator in the Exhibitor Moderator article.

User_groups and user_tags entered in the template will automatically be created in the Application management panel, in the Tag Database section. If you want to add more than one user_tags and user_groups, you need to enter them in the template, listing them after a comma, not using spaces, e.g. VIP,Reds.

If you already have a csv format file ready for import, click Select File and upload the previously prepared document. Then click Import and all users will be uploaded to the system:

Have a successful event with Meeting Application!

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