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How to Determine the 'EP Value' of a Product or Module
Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over 2 months ago

If you are trying to determine the total 'EP Value' for one of your products or modules, as a good general rule of thumb, we recommend assuming 2EP per lesson (1EP for when the person views the lesson & 1EP for when they mark the lesson complete).
For example, if you have a module that contains 5 Lessons - a person would earn 10EP (2EP/lesson) PLUS 1EP for completing the entire module. So the overall EP value for that module would be 11EP.

Keep in mind, however, that someone can earn 1EP/day for each lesson they view - even if it's a lesson they've already viewed in the past. This means that some people may earn more EP within your product than others if they choose to review lessons more than once.

Your users can also earn EP by completing a Quiz (1EP per quiz, not per question), commenting on your product (or in your community), AND by gaining access to a new product.

This is in addition to the 1EP earned when a lesson is completed and means that any lessons you have where quiz questions have been added will now have a base EP Value of 3 EP for those who answer the quiz & complete the lesson.
*If you have noticed a sudden increase in EP from your users that does not match their recent activity log, it is likely due to the update where we've added comments!

​Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).


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