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Checklist for using Comments
Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over a week ago

This article will give you a short list of things you need to check when using Comments in your MV account.

The goal is to help you use Comments to better engage with your visitors, and give them a space to interact with each other.

In this checklist we'll review how to enable Comments in the places you want them, so you know what to expect when your visitors begin using them.

For additional resources on this topic, including a video tutorial of this exact list, please check the list of LINKS at the bottom of this article.

What To Do When Using Comments

  • Add a profile picture to your Admin account

    • Find this under "Settings" in the dropdown menu at the top right of your MV

    • Let your people see your smiling face when you reply to their Comments

  • Enable Admin Notifications

    • Find this setting at Admin > Users > Actions > Leaves Comment > Send Notification

    • This will send you an email when a new Comment is added anywhere in your MV

*Reminder: This option is currently under the main account actions, not actions for a specific product. So if you're trying to add a "leaves comment" to a specific product, you won't see it an available action. Don't worry, it's on our list to make it a product specific option too!

  • Enable Comments where you want them

    • Product Level

    • Module Level

    • Lessons Level

    • Pages

    • Blog

      • global settings not individual posts

    • Look for the Comments Icon to see where they are Enabled

  • Moderate Your New Comments

    • Find your Comments under Admin > Activity > Comments

    • Check Indicator for how many new ones there are

    • Reply to the new ones

    • Delete any that are undesirable

    • Mark all as Read

  • Check your User Notifications

    • When viewing your MV account as a User

    • Find at login dropdown in upper right

    • See the green circle for new ones

    • Click Notification List to go to the Comment and its Reply

  • Tell Your Users About Comments

    • Let them know where it’s possible to Comment

    • Tell them to add a Profile Photo to introduce themselves to your Community

    • Show them where they can check their Notifications

    • Add a reminder in your MV text to drop a Comment on anything where they are enabled

    • Send an Email with 1click link inviting your visitors to drop a Comment on a particular Lesson, Module, Page or Post

    • Make a social media post to announce your Comments section and invite the community to interact there

Related Articles:

Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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