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Should I Use a Webhook to Bundle My Products?
Should I Use a Webhook to Bundle My Products?
Ira Kadir avatar
Written by Ira Kadir
Updated over 7 months ago

The article was brought to you by our CEO, Erin Kelly in response to a question asked in our All Access Membership. Learn more about the membership here.

All Access member Question - “I have two products, and I want to also offer them as a bundle…should I use a webhook?"

Oooh, this is a DELICIOUS. 😍 I love a good sales Q.

Bundling your offers makes an excellent conversion boost, and a super supportive sales technique for people who want more than one of your offers.

My detailed answer here on how to do it with MV ➡️ transcript/audio.

NOTE: The link above references an episode from Your Questions, Answered podcast available inside our All Access Membership. Not a member? Upgrade your account by going to the top right > Admin > Account Plans and choose All Access Plan.

But the nutshell answer is this. NO. Don't use a webhook (unless you're taking payments outside of MV, in which case, you'd use webhooks for both products to give access to the bundle via your email tool).

If you're taking payments inside MV though...two options below.

1️⃣ Do you want your bundle product to show up on your marketplace page? Is it going to be available for a while, or is it a short-term promotional sale?

If yes, create a paid product for your bundle, and use actions (scroll down to the bottom of the product edit screen) in the bundle product to give access to the two products. And then throw in a module/lesson in the bundle product with some quiz questions.

2️⃣ Are you promoting this over a short-term period?

If yes, use our Offers feature to throw up a quick sales page and use actions to give access to the two products, just like in option #1. I give some ideas on where to showcase your offer link for the bundle in the podcast episode.

Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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