At the Overview & Mentions pages, you will see at the top four boxes that will give you valuable information about your data for the selected timeframe and trackers. These are the account summary boxes, Total Mentions, Social Reach, Social Engagement, and Sentiment Analysis.
Total Mentions
If you hover over the Total Mentions box you will be able to view a breakdown of your data in Social and Web along with the number of users and sites.
Social Reach
The Social Reach metric depends on how many followers a profile has and how many posts it posts. For example, if a Twitter profile has 1,000 followers and posts 1 tweet we assume that nearly 1,000 followers will see that post (this metric is similar to impressions). The Social Reach metric is available for Twitter, Instagram (after authorization), Facebook (after authorization), and YouTube.
Total Reach: For every post/mention we add the number of followers of the profile that performed it.
Unique Reach: Same as Total, BUT if another mention occurs from the same profile, the followers are not added again.
Social Engagement
The Social Engagement is the actual total number of likes, shares, comments, videos, pins from every supported source.
Sentiment Analysis
The Sentiment Analysis algorithm is based on AI deep learning algorithms that will categorize your mentions to positive, negative, and neutral. It works in any language so that means that you can add keywords in every language and get the sentiment of it!
You can also click on the "positive", "negative", or "neutral" words from the Sentiment Analysis box to filter your data to either positive, negative, or neutral.
By default, the system will always have the Total Mentions chosen as a metric to present the graphs. By clicking on Social Reach or Social Engagement the graphs will change accordingly.