Branching rules are a way to add conditional logic to a job stage campaign. This way, you can dynamically route candidates through different campaign modules based on their responses.
Example: You can configure Branching rules so that if a candidate answers "Yes" to the question "Can you work weekends?", they proceed to the next question. If they answer "No", the branching rules skip them to the conclusion message.
Enabling Branching rules
To enable Branching rules for a job stage campaign...
Open the relevant job
Click on 'Edit Job'
Click on the 'Stages' tab
Click on the relevant job stage
Click on 'Edit' job stage campaign
Click on 'Branching rules' in the top right corner of the campaign editor
This then opens the Branching rules configuration screen.
Please note: The Branching rules button is only visible, if the job stage campaign has at least one multiple choice, yes/no, or true/false question.
Configuring Branching rules
The Branching rules configuration screen displays all modules within the respective campaigns.
Setting the Next Module
For each module, you can configure which module the candidate should receive next after completing the current one.
In the example screenshot belowπ, the candidate will receive the 'Work Weekends' question module after completing the 'Job Overview' content module.
By default, the next module is set to the chronologically next one. However, you can choose to assign any subsequent module instead.
Adding Branching rules
To add a Branching rule to a question module, click on the + icon next to the question.
Clicking the + icon next to a question opens the Add Rule modal. Rules allow you to define conditional logic to determine which module the candidate will be routed to next based on their response.
Setting up a rule follows a simple format: IF the candidate responds with a specific answer, THEN route them to a designated module; ELSE (a fancy way of saying "in all other cases"), route them to an alternative module.
For multiple choice questions, you can add multiple rules, each targeting one of the multiple choice options.
Best practices and things worth noting
Set up campaign first: Always complete your campaign setup before adding any Branching rules. Making changes to the campaign (e.g., moving, adding, or removing modules) after configuring Branching rules will reset all previously configured rules.
Cloning jobs with Branching rules: When cloning a job that includes a job stage campaign with active Branching rules, the Branching rules are not currently cloned. This is a known limitation, and we are actively working on adding support for this functionality.
Looping prevention: To prevent candidates from getting stuck in a loop, you can only move chronologically forward within a campaign when configuring the next module. Modules that are chronologically earlier than the one where you are applying Branching rules cannot be selected as the next module.
Skipped modules: If you configure Branching rules in a way that skips a module, making it unreachable, this will be indicated in the UI (see screenshot below π). While you can still save the Branching rules and the campaign, the skipped module will not be delivered to any candidate completing the campaign.
Demo video