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Product Roles

This matrix provides an overview of permissions and platform functionalities for each product role.

Jascha avatar
Written by Jascha
Updated over 2 months ago


Product roles enable the segregation and localisation of access to your Mercu platform at the account and location level.

To access the product roles, navigate to the 'Account' page via the platform sidebar.

Permissions Matrix

Account Admin


Location Recruiter


Jobs & Stages

Create new job

βœ… Can create new jobs from scratch for any location

βœ… Can create new jobs from scratch for any location

🟠 Can create new jobs from scratch ONLY for their assigned location(s)

❌ Cannot create new job

Clone job

βœ… Can clone any job

βœ… Can clone any job

🟠 Can clone any job for their assigned location(s)

❌ Cannot clone job

View job

βœ… Can view all jobs

βœ… Can view all jobs

🟠 Can view jobs at their assigned location(s)

  • Jobs table

  • Search bar

  • Move to job

🟠 Can view jobs at their assigned locations

  • Jobs table

  • Search bar

  • Move to job

Update job stages

βœ… Can update job stages (add, delete, change order)

βœ… Can update job stages (add, delete, change order)

🟠 Can update job stages at their assigned location(s) (add, delete, change order)

❌ Cannot update job stages at any job

Update job campaigns

βœ… Can update job campaigns for all jobs (add, delete, change order)

βœ… Can update job campaigns for all jobs (add, delete, change order)

🟠 Can update job campaigns for jobs at their assigned location(s) (add, delete, change order)

❌ Cannot update job campaigns at any job

Update interview settings

βœ… Can update interview settings for all jobs

βœ… Can update interview settings for all jobs

🟠 Can update interview settings for all jobs at their assigned location(s)

🟠 Can update interview settings for all jobs at their assigned location(s)

Can be selected as interviewer

βœ… Can be selected for all jobs

βœ… Can be selected for all jobs

🟠 Can be selected for all jobs at their assigned location(s)

🟠 Can be selected for all jobs at their assigned location(s)

Archive job

βœ… Can archive any job

βœ… Can archive any job

🟠 Can archive any job at their assigned location(s)

❌ Cannot archive jobs

Create & edit Workflows

βœ… Can create and edit Workflows for any stage

βœ… Can create and edit Workflows for any stage

🟠 Can create and edit Workflows for any stage under any job at their assigned location(s)

❌ Cannot create or edit workflows

Job Ads

View job a ad

βœ… Can view a job ad

βœ… Can view a job ad

βœ… Can view a job ad

βœ… Can view a job ad

Create or renew a job ad

βœ… Can create or renew a job ad

βœ… Can create or renew a job ad

❌ Cannot renew a job ad

❌ Cannot renew a job ad

Delete a job ad

βœ… Can delete a job ad

βœ… Can delete a job ad

❌ Cannot delete a job ad

❌ Cannot delete a job ad

Managing Candidates

Update candidates

βœ… Can update candidate on any job

  • Name

  • Phone number

βœ… Can update candidate on any job

  • Name

  • Phone number

🟠 Can update candidate on any job at their assigned location(s)

  • Name

  • Phone number

🟠 Can update candidate on any job at their assigned location(s)

  • Name

  • Phone number

View candidates

βœ… Can view candidate on any job

  • Search

  • Candidate profile

βœ… Can view candidate on any job

  • Search

  • Candidate profile

🟠 Can view candidate on any job at their assigned location(s)

  • Search

  • Candidate profile

🟠 Can view candidate on any job at their assigned location(s)

  • Search

  • Candidate profile

Archive candidates

βœ… Can archive candidate on any job

βœ… Can view candidate on any job

❌ Cannot archive candidates

❌ Cannot archive candidates

Managing Applications

Create applications

βœ… Can create application on any job

βœ… Can create application on any job

🟠 Can create application on any job at their assigned location(s)

🟠 Can create application on any job at their assigned location(s)

View applications

βœ… Can view all applications

βœ… Can view all applications

🟠 Can view all applications belonging to candidates who also applied to a job under their assigned location(s)

🟠 Can view all applications belonging to candidates who also applied to a job under their assigned location(s)

Move applications

βœ… Can move any application

βœ… Can move any application

🟠 Can move any application under their assigned location(s) to any job under their assigned location(s)

🟠 Can move any application under their assigned location(s) to any job under their assigned location(s)

Archive applications

βœ… Can archive any application

βœ… Can archive any application for jobs within their locations

🟠 Can archive any application belonging to jobs assigned to them

🟠 Can archive any application under their assigned location(s)

AI Assistant

View Assistant analytics

βœ… Full access

βœ… Full access

βœ… Full access

βœ… Full Access

Create Assistant content

βœ… Can create, edit, and publish Assistant content

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access


View Account Settings

βœ… Full access

❌ Can only see Portal Users tab, Locations tab

🟠 Can only see Portal Users tab, Locations tab for their assigned location(s)

-❌No access

View Portal Users

βœ… Full access

βœ… Yes

🟠 Yes, only for their assigned location(s)

❌ No access

Add Portal Users

βœ… Full access

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access

Edit Portal Users

βœ… Full access

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access

Remove Portal Users

βœ… Full access

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access

View Locations

βœ… Full access

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access

Create Locations

βœ… Full access

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access

Edit Locations

βœ… Full access

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access

Delete Locations

βœ… Full access

❌ No access

❌ No access

❌ No access

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