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Documentation migration

We explain how to request the migration from one main company to another

Paula Picón avatar
Written by Paula Picón
Updated over a week ago

If you already work in Metacontratas for a main company and now you are going to work for a different company, you can ask us to transfer both the company documentation and the employees with their documentation.

It is important to bear in mind that only those documents that are common to several companies will be migrated.

The first step is to have the users linked. We explain how to do it in this video.

Once you have linked the users, you only have to create a ticket for this chat (link below) indicating the following information:

  • Subject: Transfer of documentation NAME OF YOUR COMPANY

  • Message body:

  • CIF and company name

  • Source User (where the documentation is currently located) and Destination User (where you want the documentation to be transferred).

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