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Documentation validation

Who validates? In what terms?

Paula Picón avatar
Written by Paula Picón
Updated over a week ago

There are two scenarios regarding documentation validation. If you are not sure which one is yours, you can call us at +34 952 02 02 22 and we will confirm.

Metacontratas performs the validation

If the client has contracted the integral management service, it will be the Metacontratas team who will validate the documentation that you upload. In this case, your documentation will be reviewed by Occupational Risk Prevention Technicians, who will also be the ones who can help and advise you regarding the documentation you must upload.

Validation is carried out within a maximum period of 24 working hours, so you must count on that period if you need your workers to access the workplace of one of your clients.

If you need to have a document validated immediately, you can access our Urgent Validation service by calling +34 807 110 415.

The main company validates the documentation

Many of Metacontratas' clients internally assume the management and validation of the documentation uploaded to the platform. In this case, they are the ones who review the documentation following their own steps.

Although Metacontratas does not manage the documentation, you can always call us at our toll-free support number, in case you have questions about the operation of the platform or if you need to know how to proceed with questions about the documentation.

In what terms is the documentation validated?

If the validation is carried out by the Metacontratas team, it is validated in 24 hours or immediately, if you access the Urgent Validation service.

If the validation is carried out by the main company itself, we cannot guarantee the documentary review deadlines, since it will depend on each client.

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