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Building Your Audience

Ensure your campaign's targeting tactics align with your marketing objective.

Joanna Shin avatar
Written by Joanna Shin
Updated over 12 months ago

Building your campaign's audience is an integral part of campaign performance. Ensure your campaign's audience is set up for success by following the strategies below.

Marketing Objective

Before creating your new audience, ask yourself the intended Marketing Objective.

❓Are you building an audience for a prospecting campaign?

❓Are you building an audience for a retargeting campaign?

This answer will impact the segment selections and composition of your audience.

MNTN's Prospecting Marketing Objective

If your marketing objective is prospecting, ensure your audience segments are predominantly inclusive of the following:

⭐️ MNTN Matched

⭐️ Third-Party Interests

⭐️ CRM

⭐️ Location

💡Note: If running a standalone CRM campaign, select the Prospecting marketing objective during campaign setup.

MNTN's Retargeting Marketing Objective

If your marketing objective is retargeting, ensure your audience segments are predominantly inclusive of the following:

⭐️ First-party Site Visitors

⭐️ Location

⭐️ CRM

Building a New Audience

Now, let's build a new audience from scratch. To build a new audience:

1️⃣ Navigate to the Audience Library or the Audience section of the campaign shell

2️⃣ Select + New Audience

3️⃣ Use existing segments or build new segments to include or exclude from your audience:

  • MNTN Matched

  • Interests

  • CRM

  • Site Visitors

  • Location

4️⃣ Customize to your needs and select Save

5️⃣ Your saved audience will now be accessible from the Audience Library for easy access. If built in your campaign shell, the saved audience will be attached to your campaign.

Audience Definitions

Find some key definitions below. All segment types can be layered as either inclusions or exclusions to your new audience.


The holistic audience you have built could include a mixture of segments. An audience contains segments. Segments that could be included in your audience include site visitors, 3rd party segments, location segments, and/or CRM segments.

MNTN Matched

Automatically match your commercials with consumers who are most likely to engage with your brand and take action.

Interest Segments

Attract customers for your prospecting campaigns using 3rd party interest and behavior-based segments.

CRM Segments

Upload your CRM lists to message past purchasers, loyalty customers, and other retention audiences.

Site Visitor Segments

Create groups of individuals who visited your website and completed similar actions.

Location Segments

Target based on the location of your site visitors, interest-based segments, or CRM lists.

Audience Composition

The Audience Composition section includes a cohesive list of all inclusions and exclusions of the audience and its total audience size composition.

Your audience composition is an estimation of your potential household reach. It's the total deduplicated number of households matched across all of your included and excluded segments appended to the audience.

See How to Interpret Audience Size for more information.

Audience Best Practices and Considerations

With your campaign's marketing objective established, it's time to shape your audience. Explore the following best practices and considerations as you craft your audience profile.

🧠 Pro Tip: Consider an audience profile you've seen perform well on other channels.

Geographic Location

Does your business operate nationally?


We recommend a nationwide approach to reach households interested in your product offering regardless of location.


We recommend leveraging a Location segment to include or exclude as needed.

Converted User Block

When considering your product offering, does it make sense to keep targeting users once they have converted on your (MNTN) pixeled conversion point(s)?


Then no further steps to complete!


If not, consider:

1️⃣ Build a site visitor segment of converted users (those who have converted 1-50 times) to exclude from your audience. **Please also see the below disclaimer.

2️⃣ Uploading a CRM list of current customers/past purchasers to exclude from your audience.

AND Statements

Looking to be as precise as possible with your targeting?


We recommend using no more than one AND statement to ensure our tech has a broad enough reach to optimize toward your KPI.


We recommend avoiding the use of AND statements. Our tech will find the best-performing households amongst your included audience segments.

Segment Exclusions

Need to ensure you're not targeting a specific user profile?


Exclude this user profile (interest segments, CRM segments, site visitor segments) from your audience composition using Excl.


No further steps are needed! Our tech will optimize towards the best-performing households amongst your included audience segments.

🚩**Disclaimer: If tracking multiple conversion points, you cannot block one type of converter. You can only block all converted users, no matter which conversion point that user converted on.

Even with these best practices, you can always change your audience composition. We recommend leaving your audience in the market for 30 days for the most accurate performance insights possible.

After those 30 days, leverage the Audience Segment Report for further adjustments to your audience composition.

🧠 Pro Tip: If your campaign targets a smaller geographic region, you'll likely want to layer in additional audience segments to expand reach.

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