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What is MNTN Multi-Touch?

What is MNTN Multi-Touch and what does it do?

Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over a week ago

Multi-Touch ads are the extension of your connected TV ads, allowing you to hit users on any household device.

MNTN Multi-Touch allows you to increase your visibility and tell a cohesive story across multiple touchpoints by extending your messaging beyond TV to trusted publishers viewed on other devices in the household.

If you want to use cross-channel storytelling to increase your presence, build your brand, and stay top of mind, then we recommend pairing your TV ads with Multi-Touch ads.

πŸ’‘Note: Learn more about MNTN's proprietary cross-device identity graph.

Activating Multi-Touch in Your Campaign

Selecting the toggle in your campaign shell's Budget & Goal section will turn the Multi-Touch capability on.


From there, the Multi-Touch section will populate on the left side menu. You'll have the option to:

Linking Your TV Ad and Multi-Touch Asset

Now that your multi-touch asset has been uploaded, it's time to link your Multi-Touch asset to its accompanying TV asset. This can be done from either the Multi-Touch or Video Creative portion of the campaign shell.

  1. Select the blue Link Creative button on the ad you'd like to link. This will open a selection drawer on the right side of your screen, including all of the corresponding ads on your campaign.

  2. Select the ad you'd like to link to from the selection drawer.

  3. Once selected, select the green Link Creative button in the bottom right corner. This will establish a paired relationship between your TV and multi-touch ads.

  4. If you've uploaded multiple creative groups, adjust the weighting percentage accordingly.

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