On the Budget & Goal tab, you'll be prompted to enter your Campaign Goal Type, Campaign Goal, and Campaign Budgets. Your campaign budget determines the amount of spend allocated to your campaign for a customizable period of time.
All scheduled budgets will be classified as either "live" "scheduled" or "ended"
💡 To learn more about your Campaign Goal Type and assigning a campaign goal, head over to the "Setting your Campaign Goal" Knowledge Base Article
Adding New Budgets
When assigning new budgets to your campaign, you can choose between Monthly or Flighted budgets.
⭐️ Monthly Budget Type
A Monthly budget automatically resets to the specified amount on the 1st of each month and continues to do so until the defined end date. You can set a Monthly budget to either have a specific end date or to run indefinitely until you manually pause or replace it.
Mid-Month Start or End Dates: If your budget’s start or end dates fall in the middle of a month, the system will automatically prorate the budget based on the daily pacing amount. During these periods, the budget type will temporarily switch to "Flighted" for that month.
Pacing: The pacing is calculated assuming a 30-day calendar month, aiming to pace towards the total monthly budget rather than a daily amount. Note that pacing may vary depending on factors such as available inventory, optimization, and audience reach.
⭐️ Flighted Budget Type
A Flighted budget allows you to set a fixed budget for a custom-defined start and end time. Unlike the Monthly budget, the Flighted budget does not reset after the end time. Instead, pacing is directed towards the total budget for the entire flight period.
Pacing: When using a Flighted budget, it paces toward the entire flight rather than per day and may fluctuate based on factors such as inventory availability, optimization, and audience reach
Overlap with Monthly Budget: If a new Flighted budget overlaps with an ongoing Monthly budget (i.e., one set to continue indefinitely), the Monthly budget will continue following the end of the flighted budget
Deleting Budgets
To delete a scheduled budget, select the kebob menu and click "Delete"
💡 While you can delete a scheduled budget, you cannot delete budget gaps, which will automatically be added as a line item with a $0 total. This is a safeguard to outline that your campaign will be paused during the outlined time frame, based on your scheduled budget start and end dates
Overlapping Budgets: Boost and Replace
When a new budget overlaps with existing scheduled or live budgets, you have two options: Boost or Replace. You will see the "Intersecting Dates" flag before applying any changes.
Boost: Combine the existing budget with the new budget change for the overlapping time frame, increasing spend accordingly
If you have an existing live or scheduled budget and want to add incremental funds for a promotion, we recommend creating a new budget flight for the additional amount. Use the "Boost" function to combine the original scheduled budget with the new incremental budget. The system will automatically adjust your flights, and you can review these changes during the "Review Changes" step.
Replace: Replace the existing budget with the new budget for the overlapping time frame
💡Note: When using Boost or Replace, the system will create separate items to pace towards the updated budget
For Monthly budgets, if you apply Boost or Replace, the system will create Flighted budgets. For example:
Original Monthly Budget: $31,000 from 5/1/24 to 5/31/24 (set as ongoing)
With Boost Applied:
Flighted Budget 5/1-5/20: $20,000
Flighted Budget 5/21-5/31: $31,000 (original $31,000 + $10,000 Boost)
Monthly Budget 6/1 and Ongoing: $31,000
How Will My Budget Be Paced?
MNTN calculates your daily spend target based on your total budget and the number of days in your campaign (monthly or flighted).
You can set either a total monthly budget or a per-day pacing target. The system calculates the total budget based on the flight length or a standard 30-day month.
🧠 Pro Tip: While you can leverage the Per-Day pacing input on both monthly and flighted budget types, we would recommend that you leverage the Flighted budget type for the most accurate calculations and pacing as possible. This is due to our Monthly budget type defaulting to a 30-day month in its calculations.
Key Considerations:
✅ Daily Spend Fluctuations: While we aim to hit your daily spend target as closely as possible, it may fluctuate within 5% of your per-day pacing target. This is to optimize performance by targeting your best-performing audiences when they are most engaged with their content.
✅ Minimum Flight Duration: We support a minimum flight duration of 3 days to ensure sufficient time for our system to ramp up and deliver effectively. Short flights with large day-to-day spend changes may result in pacing targets that exceed the 5% discrepancy range.
✅ Budget Pacing Limitations: We do not support intra-day budget pacing or day-parting.
✅ Overspend Protection: You will never be charged for overspending beyond your total monthly or flighted budget.
Now that we've covered the Budget Tool's features, let's review some best practices. For more detailed guidance, please refer to the following articles: