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TikTok Promotion Tips

How to use TikTok for promoting your music

Ari Petschow avatar
Written by Ari Petschow
Updated over a week ago

After you have successfully brought your music to TikTok via MusicHub, you don’t just want to wait until TikTok users discover you and your music on their own. In order to use TikTok’s effect efficiently, you should take some steps further and make your profile shine. Keep in mind that TikTok is one of the fastest growing platforms with more than 700 million users. So, there’s also plenty opportunities for you to grow with it.

First of all, you need to understand that even if there’s a possibility to earn royalties on TikTok (learn how this works, here), you should first and foremost focus on engaging TikTok users and promoting your music on TikTok to guide uswrs to your listen to your music on the streaming and download platforms.

Polish your TikTok profile

The first step in achieving this is setting up your TikTok profile appropriately and keep in mind three important things:

1. Complete your profile with all relevant info.

2. Communicate your artist identity and let the spark fly.

3. Lead TikTok users to your profiles and releases on the other streaming platforms.

Try to get your artist name as user name. If it is not available, try using underscores (_) or dots (.) in-between, or add a descriptive term such as band (e.g. or cuteplay_official). Rather refrain from using terms which have nothing to do with your artist name or identity. Your user name should be recognizable. You can also add your plain artist name as “name” in your TikTok profile.

Also add a little description about yourself and your music. Although you only have 80 characters for this, you could, for instance, try to include some words about what makes you and your musical style unique.

Add additional links to guide users to get to know you even better, e.g. on Instagram and on the streaming and download platforms. You may already have some nice content on your Instagram profile which showcases you as an artist and your musical identity. So make sure you include the link to your Instagram profile so that TikTok users can’t miss to follow you. You can and should also use a smart link tool such as Linkfire, to get TikTok users to check out your music on Spotify, Apple Music & Co. By this, TikTok users can check out your full tracks and releases, and hopefully become your fans, and they can also find out more about you in your artist profile on the streaming and download platforms. But most importantly, by leading TikTok users to your profiles on the streaming and download platforms, you may also generate royalties and grow your revenue on these platforms.

Use your music in your own videos

For getting discovered on TikTok you should not just wait until someone uses your music as a sound in their videos. You should also create your own videos with your music and use common and trending hashtags which suit you as an artist, your musical style or match your lyrics. Note: If you create a video with your own music, make sure to use the sound which was delivered by MusicHub on your behalf to TikTok. Find out why and how you do this in this article. Be also aware of the fact that, because videos are rather short, your videos are only catching and sharing a musical moment rather than your whole song. So, make sure you emphasise and share this moment with your audience, and already think of this when choosing your snippet you want to distribute to TikTok.

Tell your story in your TikTok videos

Also in your own videos, you want to make sure to underline your artist identity in an authentic and unique way. You always want to be close and relatable to you audience, but also be entertaining. Keep in mind that TikTok is mostly about entertainment in form of very short videos (up to 60 seconds). Therefore, you can tell your story, but should not hold a speech and elaborate on details. You could rather use visual elements and text inserts to highlight some aspects about you and your music.

You could, for instance, show yourself while performing your music and add some additional info in form of text inserts. Tell your audience why you’ve actually become a musician, how you started, who was your influence, where are you from and where are you headed. Try to underline the uniqueness of your music by adding a personal touch. You might also want to make a video with the music of your idols, or tag their TikTok profiles.

Keep an eye on other musicians on TikTok

Follow other artists on TikTok to grow your reach: they might follow you back and even tag you. Also get inspired by them. What kind of videos do your fellow musicians post? How do they tell their stories and how does their audience interact? There have also been quite a few artists who have gone viral on TikTok, got discovered and are now very successful. You might want to check out Lil Nas X or Lizzo, who have become quite famous via TikTok, for instance. You can also try to collaborate with other artist. Create a video together or use TikTok’s built-in functions such as duets where yours and the other artist’s videos are shown next to each other. Also try to inspire other artist for duetting with you.

Post funny or emotional videos

Yes, you want to use TikTok to promote your music. However, you should not only focus on producing videos which are putting your music in the center. You can also produce some funny or goofy videos showing more of your personality as an artist, but also as a normal person. Don’t take yourself too seriously and don’t make your videos too professional or strive for perfection. It is totally fine when you create a quick video with your mobile, as long as it’s engaging. Also check out TikTok’s filter library where you can find many effects to use in your videos. There’re so many options to create quick videos and just share some insights of your everyday life as a musician to keep TikTok users engaged and entertained, and grow your reach.

Focus on your audience

When creating a video always think about how your audience might engage with this. Who will like your videos? Do they sing along or dance to your music? Do they laugh? Do they get caught by a text line and use it in their videos? Already in your creative process, try to think of what your audience might do with your content and how they react.

Don’t underestimate TikTok's audience

You might have heard that TikTok is only famous among very young people. Well, that might have been true for a while, but the TikTok audience is getting older. You can now find people from all age groups an TikTok. Just make sure that you think about who your target audience is, and with which content you may reach those people the best.

Be an active TikTok consumer and check out your own "For You" page

When you open the TikTok app, the first thing you see, is the “For You” page. Here you will see videos, TikTok shows you based on a quite complicated algorithm. The more you use TikTok the better the algorithm will get to know you. It analyses which videos you skip and which ones you watch a little longer, or even like, comment or share. When consuming other videos, apart from being entertained, also analyse what gets you entertained and how you interact with those videos. You can think of how you can use your own reactions and learnings for your videos. Also check out other user’s comments and likes to learn from those successful videos.

Use matching and trending hashtags

Hashtags are one element that makes and keeps you visible on TikTok. So do some research and look out for hashtags which suit you, your music, and your video content. Check out other famous videos on TikTok and have a look which hashtags the creators of those videos use. Again, also look out for other musicians and get inspired by how they create visibility on TikTok, e.g. by using hashtags.

Look out for challenges and trends

On their Discover page, TikTok offers you to look out for trending content, music or challenges. So, make sure to check your Discover page regularly and see if there’s anything which suits you, your music or your lyrics, and is worth creating content on. TikTok is also very famous for their dances challenges which are initiated by users, but also by artists themselves. Maybe you want to participate in someone else’s dance challenge to also create visibility for your videos and profile. You can, of course, also create your own dance challenge, when you think your music has dance potential and might engage other users to dance.

We hope those tips were helpful for you. As TikTok is changing quickly, we will also regularly adapt this article. So check out for updates once in a while.

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