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Upload Your Own Fonts
Upload Your Own Fonts

Guidelines and Instructional Guide to creating Custom Fonts Using the Design Studio

Written by Ashley
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to our Design Studio, where creativity knows no bounds! We understand the importance of personalization, which is why we empower you to bring your unique vision to life. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of uploading your own fonts specifically tailored for our custom laser cut metal signs.

Font Requirements

Laser Cut Metal Signs:

Choosing the perfect font is crucial to achieving a stunning result that meets both aesthetic and practical requirements. Whether you're crafting a bold statement piece or a delicate design, here are some guidelines to ensure your font selection enhances the beauty and integrity of your custom metal sign:

  1. Font Selection:

    • We suggest using fonts that are clear, legible, and visually appealing. Choose styles that reflect the tone and personality of your message or brand.

    • Avoid overly intricate or excessively thin fonts, as these can compromise the structural integrity of the design during the laser cutting process. Remember, the goal is to create a design that remains intact without any pieces falling out.

  2. Bridging:

    • Ensure that all elements of your design, including text, are appropriately bridged. Bridging refers to connecting the various components of the design to prevent individual pieces from detaching once laser cut.

    • Pay special attention to the characters within your chosen font. Make sure they are properly connected to maintain the integrity of the design and prevent any disconnected or floating elements.

    • Reminder: Consider whether using capital letters (CAPS) might be necessary to ensure all elements are connected and bridged properly. Certain lowercase letters, such as the center of an "e," may require special attention to avoid detachment during production.

      • For example, in the lowercase letter "e," the center loop could fall out of the design if not properly bridged. Ensure that the center portion of the "e" is connected to the rest of the letter, either by adding a small bridge or by modifying the design to prevent any potential issues during laser cutting.

  3. Font Thickness:

    • Select fonts with a moderate to thick stroke width to ensure durability and longevity of the finished product. Thicker fonts withstand the laser cutting process more effectively, resulting in cleaner cuts and sharper details.

    • Avoid extremely thin fonts, as they may be prone to distortion or breakage during cutting, leading to a less polished final product.

  4. Positive & Negative Text:

    • Differentiate between negative and positive text. Negative text refers to the areas where the metal will be cut away, leaving the background intact. Positive text, on the other hand, remains on the surface of the metal.

      • Positive text should be set to white, ensuring visibility and contrast against the metal background.

      • Negative text should be set to black, indicating the areas where material will be removed.

      • Reminder: Ensure that the text layer is properly overlapped with the design to ensure all elements of the design are connected during production. This step helps maintain structural integrity and prevents any disconnected parts in the final product.

By following these guidelines, you'll be well-equipped to upload your own fonts for custom laser cut metal signs with confidence and precision. Let your creativity flow as you design unique, personalized pieces that leave a lasting impression.

Printed & Laser Etched Products (Coming Soon!):

Essential considerations for ensuring clarity, legibility, and visual appeal when selecting fonts for your printed and laser etched products. From font styles to thickness and contrast, these guidelines will help you create designs that effectively convey your message with precision and impact.

  1. Clarity and Legibility:

    • Select fonts that are easy to read and comprehend, even at smaller sizes or when etched onto materials with varying textures.

    • Avoid overly ornate or decorative fonts that may obscure the message or make it difficult to decipher.

  2. Font Weight and Thickness:

    • Choose fonts with a balanced weight that maintains visibility without overpowering the design.

    • Opt for fonts with a moderate to bold thickness to ensure clear, defined lines and characters, especially when etching onto materials with subtle variations in surface texture.

  3. Consistency and Uniformity:

    • Maintain consistency in font style throughout your design to create a cohesive and professional appearance.

    • Avoid mixing too many different fonts or styles within the same design, as this can lead to visual clutter and distract from the intended message.

  4. Contrast and Visibility:

    • Ensure sufficient contrast between the font color and the background to maximize readability.

    • For laser etched products, consider how the color of the material will affect the visibility of the font and adjust accordingly to ensure optimal contrast.

By adhering to these font guidelines, you can create printed and laser etched products that effectively communicate your message with clarity and precision. Whether it's a promotional item, signage, or personalized gift, let your creativity flourish while prioritizing readability to ensure your design resonates with its intended audience.

File Format

When preparing your design for upload, save your font files in a supported OTF (OpenType Font). These formats ensure compatibility and maintain the integrity of your chosen font when rendered in our Design Studio.

Test and Preview

Before finalizing your design, take advantage of our preview feature to visualize how your chosen font will appear on the metal sign. This allows you to make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal results.

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