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Are Service Animals Eligible under an HSA?
Are Service Animals Eligible under an HSA?
Danielle Constantine avatar
Written by Danielle Constantine
Updated over 9 months ago

Service animals provide invaluable assistance to individuals who need them, enhancing their quality of life and enabling their companions to perform daily activities with greater ease. If you have a Health Spending Account with myHSA, you may be eligible to claim expenses related to a service animal. Here’s how you can ensure your service animal qualifies under your HSA plan.

Eligibility Criteria for a Service Animal

To claim expenses for a service animal under your HSA, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Medical Confirmation

    • Obtain a signed statement from a medical practitioner. This statement should confirm the nature of the impairment and the medical necessity for a service animal. This documentation is crucial as it establishes the requirement for the service animal based on your health condition.

  2. Proof of Training

    • Provide proof that the animal has been trained by a person or organization specializing in service animal training. The organization should have a primary focus on providing special training for service animals. This proof is essential to verify that the animal is adequately trained to assist with specific tasks related to your impairment.

  3. Detailed Receipts

    • Ensure that all receipts clearly indicate the nature of the expenses. Proper documentation helps in the smooth processing of your claims. The receipts should detail the costs associated with the service animal, including its care and maintenance.

Once you have met the above conditions, you can claim the following expenses under your HSA:

  • Cost of the Service Animal

    • This includes the initial purchase or adoption fee of the service animal.

  • Care and Maintenance

    • Expenses for the care and maintenance of the service animal are eligible. This includes the cost of food, veterinary care, and other necessary supplies to keep the animal healthy and well-maintained. Each claim will require the set of original proof that it is in fact a service animal.

  • Training-Related Travel Expenses

    • Reasonable travel expenses incurred for attending a facility that trains patients in handling service animals can be claimed. This ensures that both the handler and the service animal receive proper training to work together effectively.

  • Board at the Training Facility

    • If handler attendance at a training facility is required, you can claim reasonable board and lodging expenses. This covers the costs associated with staying at the training facility while learning to handle the service animal.

By securing the necessary medical confirmation, proof of training, and detailed receipts, you can successfully claim expenses related to your service animal. If you have any further questions, you can reach out to via email or start a live chat with us!

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