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Eligible Items
Disclaimer: Always check the "list of covered items" on your dashboard to make sure that the items discussed in these articles are listed on your individual company plan. If you would like us to verify that these items are eligible for your specific plan, please reach out to or start a live chat with us!
Understanding the "Sporting Goods" Category in a Wellness Spending AccountWhat items are eligible under the "Sporting Goods" category?
Can I submit a Dental Treatment Estimate?
Elevating Executive Health: Reimburse your Private Health Membership with your HSA
What Practitioners are recognized for HSA Eligibility?Here is a list of Eligible Medical Practitioners!
Are Travel Expenses for Medical Reasons Eligible under an HSA?A Guide to Claiming Medically Necessary Travel Expenses
Who Decides what is Eligible under an HSA?Who decides what is eligible on a Health Spending Account?
Is Birth Control Eligible under an HSA?
Eligibility Criteria for Birth Classes Led by Certified Medical Professionals
What Tests are Eligible Under an HSA?
Using Health Spending Accounts for Specialized EducationA guide to claiming the costs of specialized schooling, tutoring, or other education for individuals who are disabled or differently-abled.
What Dental Services are eligible under an HSA?
Can I Use myHSA to Purchase an Air Conditioner?
What is the "Amount not Covered by Insurance" category for?
Addiction Treatment Centers are eligible under a Health Spending Account
What types of Medications are eligible under an HSA?
Is Ozempic (Semaglutides) Eligible under an HSA?
Can I claim for services provided outside of Canada?
Understanding Surrogacy Expenses Eligibility under an HSA
Is a Blood Pressure Monitor Eligible under an HSA?
Using your WSA for Personal Development
Is Massage Eligible under an HSA?
Utilizing Your Wellness Spending Account for a More Comfortable Home Office
Fitness Trackers and Wellness Spending Accounts
Using your Health Spending Account for Speech Therapy
Using your HSA for Behavioural Therapy and Assessments
Are Service Animals Eligible under an HSA?
Understanding Dependent Eligibility for University or College Students on myHSA
Home Care Coverage with myHSA: What You Need to Know
Is Acupuncture Eligible under an HSA?
Is a Baby Breathing Monitor Eligible for Reimbursement Under myHSA?
Is a Bone Marrow Transplant Eligible for Reimbursement Under myHSA?
Are Firearms and Hunting/Fishing Equipment Eligible Under my WSA?
Is Childcare Eligible under a WSA?
Is Teeth Whitening Eligible under an HSA?
Is Teeth Whitening Eligible under a WSA?
Is Bloodwork Eligible under an HSA?
Gluten-Free Items Eligibility Under an HSA
How to Claim Costs for Attendant Care and Care in Facilities using myHSA
Claiming Sign Language Services Costs Using myHSA
What types of mental health services are eligible under an HSA?
Is Smoking Cessation Eligible?
Are Mouth Guards Eligible under an HSA?
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) and Your HSA
Are Sunglasses Eligible?
Red Light Therapy: Eligibility Under Your HSA and WSA
Laser Eye Surgery: Eligibility Under Your HSA
Mobility Scooters and Wheelchairs: Eligibility Under Your HSA
Dermatology Services: Eligibility Under Your HSA
Inhalers and Chambers: HSA Eligibility
Can I Sign up for a Marathon or a Race using myWSA?
Are Breast Pumps Eligible under myHSA?
Are Radiography Tests (CT Scans, MRIs, and Ultrasounds) Eligible on myHSA?
Are Menstrual Items (Underwear, Pads, Tampons, Menstrual Cups Etc.) Eligible under an HSA?
Orthopaedic Footwear Eligibility Under Your Health Spending Account
Are Prescriptions for Erectile Dysfunction Eligible under myHSA?
Coverage for Adult Diapers Under Your HSA
Coverage for Incontinence Supplies Under Your HSA
Understanding "Alternative Transportation" Expenses Under Your Wellness Spending Account
Understanding Coverage for "Cosmetics" under your WSA
Claiming Insurance Premiums Under Your HSA
Claiming Cleaning Services Under Your WSA
Claiming Veterinary Fees Under Your WSA
Claiming Pet Insurance Under Your WSA
Claiming Cell Phone Expenses Under Your WSA
Claiming Vitamins and Supplements Under Your WSA
Claiming Gym or Fitness Club Membership Under Your WSA
Claiming Kids Sports Fees Under Your WSA
Are Doula Services Eligible?
Switching Claims from WSA to HSA, or HSA to WSA
Claiming for a Sleep Consultant Under Your HSA and WSA
Claiming Wigs Under Your HSA: What You Need to Know
How to Claim for Gender Affirming Expenses with myHSA
Claiming Holistic Medicine and Practitioner Expenses Under Your WSA
Claiming Pet Daycare Under Your WSA
Claiming Fitness Equipment Under Your WSA
Understanding Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal Coverage Under Your HSA
Claiming Medicinal Cannabis Under Your HSA
Can I Claim RRSP/TFSA/RESP Contributions on My WSA?
Can I Claim Motocross Equipment on My WSA?
Can I Claim Earbuds/Headphones on My WSA?
Can I Claim a new Mattress or Ergonomic Pillow on myHSA?
Is Reflexology Covered under myHSA?
Claiming Steel-Toed Boots and Other Safety Equipment Under Your WSA
Is Scar Removal Eligible under an HSA?
Is Physiotherapy Eligible under an HSA?
What Family Planning Expenses are Eligible under an HSA?
Diabetic Supplies and Devices: What's Eligible under an HSA?
Can I Set Up an Employee Without an Email Address?
Navigating Infertility: Understanding Eligible Services with myHSA
What is Pelvic Floor Therapy? Is it Eligible Under HSA?Here we discuss Pelvic Floor Therapy — What is it? And is it eligible through HSA?
Understanding CPAP Machines and Their Eligibility Under myHSAIf you've been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, you most likely need a CPAP machine. Is it eligible under myHSA? Let's find out!
Is Testing For Sleep Apnea Eligible Under myHSA?Sleep Apnea — What is it? Can testing for Sleep Apnea be reimbursed by myHSA?
Using Your myHSA for Vision Claims
What to Expect (from your myHSA Benefits) When Expecting
Claiming Medically Necessary Renovation or Construction Expenses under your HSA
Understanding HSA Coverage for Baby Formula
Is Group Therapy Eligible?
Are Hearing Aids Eligible under an HSA?
Do You Have a List of Preferred Providers or Clinics?
Is Reflexology Eligible Under an HSA?
Is Reflexology Eligible Under a WSA?
Is the cost of Travel Insurance covered under an HSA?
Can I claim for my Adult Children?
Are Psycho-Educational Testing and Assessments Covered under an HSA?
Airpods and Airpod 2 have a hearing amplification feature - are they equivalent to Hearing Aids?
Are Weight-Loss Programs Eligible Under an HSA?
A Guide to Offering Wellness Coverage Options through a WSA
Hyperbaric Chamber Services and Purchases: Eligibility Requirements for Your HSA
Can I Purchase New Frames Without New Lenses Using myHSA?
Seeing Clearly: Prescription Eyewear Eligibility Under Your HSA
Are Biomats Eligible for Coverage Under an HSA?
Online Orthodontist Treatments and HSA Eligibility
Is the Shingles Vaccine Eligible Under Your HSA?
Is a Medical ID Bracelet Eligible Under an HSA?
Is Varicose Vein Treatment Eligible Under an HSA?
Is Cord Blood Storage Eligible Under an HSA?
Compression Stockings: Are They Eligible Under Your HSA?
Allergy Tests: Are They Eligible Under Your HSA?
Hospital Private Room Fees: Are They Eligible Under Your HSA?
Why Osteopathy is Eligible Under an HSA (Even Though It’s Not on the METC)