Packing Warning Management
Introducing Beta Version of Packing Warning Management in Logiwa IO
We’ve introduced Packing Warning Management, allowing customizable pop-ups on the Packing screen to enhance visibility and accuracy. In the Data Setup screen, users can create Packing Warning Types by defining popup text, adding up to three images, and specifying when the warning should appear—either when the order first appears on the Packing screen, when the package is closed, or when a product is scanned.
Users should link a Packing Warning Type to a Product Type, enabling the system to check the products in an order and display relevant warnings for specific categories such as Hazmat or Fragile items.
For more details, please refer to the Packing Warning Type Configuration and Packing Warning Popup in Packing screen articles.
What’s New/Improved
International settings added for partner carrier integrations, allowing users to enter their Tax Type and Tax IDs directly within the integration settings. This enhancement enables the system to include the configured Tax ID in the request model, ensuring seamless tax data transmission to partner carriers for improved compliance.
Enhanced the channel order insertion process to handle scenarios where the State of Mexico has three different state codes. The system now accurately assigns the correct state code during order creation.
Enhanced the Download Products service to discard Draft Status Products in Shopify. Now, Draft Status Products in Shopify aren’t downloaded to Logiwa.
Return Address on Client setup now can be activated or deactivated with status toggle.
AI Job Optimization now supports the Sorting module. When the Create Sorting Task parameter is enabled in an IO job type used within an AI wave, AI Job Optimization will account for a sorting operation following the picking process.
Carrier Information of the orders is now sent in the Send Shipment Info message to Shopify.
Requested Shipping Option field has been added to the Custom Carrier Get Rate and Create Label services.
Return Address, Carrier and Shipping Service are added as Workflow Conditions. Return Carrier, Setup Name, Shipping Service and Tracking Numbers are added as Workflow Actions.
Introduced tooltip with helpful guidance across the partner carrier integrations. Each tooltip now includes a hyperlink that directs users to the specific partner's webpage.
The custom carrier endpoint has been updated to include hazmat-related fields (e.g., Hazmat ID, Proper Shipping Name, Quantity, etc.). These fields allow third-party integration developers to retrieve hazmat-specific information for their products and streamline carrier-specific hazmat workflows.
A new section is added to the Product advanced page: “Hazmat Informations” allows entry of product-based hazmat related fields.
Bulk Import Product / Bulk Update Product templates have been updated to support new “Hazmat Informations” fields.
New calculation columns have been added to the Available to Promise (ATP) Report.
On Hand Qty:The non-damaged total inventory in locations where sync inventory is not prevented.
Calculation: (Total quantity - sync prevented inv)
Sellable Qty:The non-damaged free inventory in locations where sync inventory is not prevented.
Calculation: On Hand Qty - Open SO Qty
Pickable Qty:The non-damaged free inventory available in locations which are not locked and allocation is not prevented.
Calculation: (Free inv - damaged qty - locked inv - allocation prevented inv)
Total Unallocated SO Item Qty: Refers to the inventory qty demanded by shipment orders but not allocated yet.
Calculation: All UOM based SO line qty - (all UOM based inventory as allocated, picked, packed, loaded, sorted)
Shipment Order Line-based custom fields are now added to Shipment Order Grid Excel Export, Shipment Order Line Detail Excel Export and Shipment Order Bulk Import Excel to improve data accessibility for external integrations.
The minimum 'Repeat Every' value for wave rules is now restricted to 10 minutes to optimize system performance. If a user enters a lower value, it will automatically adjust to 10 minutes.
Removed the Warehouse Dropdown from Return Reason Setup, allowing return reasons to be created and updated globally instead of being warehouse-specific.
Enhanced the Purchase Order API to validate expiry date, lot number, and production date based on SKU-specific tracking settings. The API now rejects unsupported fields with clear error messages and enforces a minimum year limit of 1970 for date fields, preventing historically invalid entries.
Excel Import functionality is added to the VAS Operations Screen. Users now can bulk upload VAS Operations to the system.
Pick to Location screen has been updated to improve the visibility of long LP numbers for full LP tasks. If an LP number does not fit within a single row, it will now be displayed across 2-3 rows, ensuring that the entire LP number is visible.
Improved readability of "Pick Qty" and "Cell Number" fields on the Pick and Sort screen by implementing responsive font scaling. This change ensures better usability on larger screens (e.g., tablets) without compromising functionality for smaller mobile devices.
On the Packing screen, Filters selected in List & Select grid now remain active during the user session, reducing repetitive tasks and improving packing efficiency.
Enhanced Bulk Import and Bulk Update Shipment Orders templates to support third-party billing. Added fields: Account Number, Billing Type, Int Account Number, Int Billing Type. Users can now add or update third-party billing details directly within the templates, ensuring the correct account is billed during label creation. This will work with existing account numbers in the system.
A new Cancel Return Order endpoint has been added to the available OpenAPIs. Required information can be found in the Return Order section of the Swagger document.
The Billing Calculation printout template has been enhanced to include the Period Start Date and Period End Date fields. These additions improve clarity by clearly displaying the billing period covered in both documents, helping users verify billing details with greater accuracy and efficiency.
Updated Logiwa Analytics Datasets by adding new fields across multiple data sources to enhance reporting and data accuracy. The following fields have been added:
InventoryInfo-LogiwaIO: Receiving Date, Production Date, lp_type_only_1_production_date, only_1_production_date
InventorySnapshotInfo-LogiwaIO: Receiving Date, Production Date, lp_type_only_1_production_date, only_1_production_date
ItemMasterInfo-LogiwaIO: Receiving Date, production_date_tracking
ReceivingInfo-LogiwaIO: Receiving Date, only_1_production_date
LocationInfo-LogiwaIO: only_1_production_date
These updates ensure that Analytics reports include the necessary fields for better tracking of receiving and production data.
What's Fixed
Carrier Integration Page & Custom Carrier Data Setup Screen: Resolved an issue where records beyond 25 were not displayed. The system now correctly loads and shows all available records, ensuring complete visibility for users.
Resolved an issue where the commodity code was missing from UPS Commercial Invoices. The commodity code is now correctly displayed on the invoices, ensuring accurate and complete documentation for international shipments.
Resolved several inconsistencies on the Create Label and Create Return Label pages:
Fixed an issue where dimensions were not assigned to a package even if a package type was selected while adding a package.
Addressed a problem where the "Get Label" button was disabled after clicking "Get Rate", despite all package information being present.
Corrected an issue where the calculated weight was displayed as "0" on the UI after saving a package with calculated weight.
Shipping cost mapping and displaying process for UPS & FedEx & TechShip & Custom Carrier are updated for labels with Master Tracking Numbers. Now Rate, Shipping Cost, and Other Costs are only displayed on the Master Tracking Number on the Carrier Shipment Details Report.
Improved SQL query performance in the Count Details section under Location Details, targeting 60% performance improvement and resolving the "Unexpected Error Occurred" issue.
Fixed an issue where the "Lot Batch Number Match" parameter in PO Type was not enforced during receiving, ensuring SKUs can only be received with lot numbers predefined in the PO Line when the parameter is enabled. A clear error message is now displayed if a mismatch occurs.
Resolved an issue in the Cycle Count process that caused inventory duplication when movements occurred after count completion but before inventory updates. The system now captures a new inventory snapshot post-count to ensure accurate reconciliation and prevent discrepancies.
Fixed an issue where receiving SKUs with different pack types under the "Allow PO When Started" parameter created separate PO lines instead of updating the original line using UOM equivalence. The PO Receiving report now consolidates receiving details under the original PO line, preventing unnecessary line creation.
Fixed an issue where the Replenishment Algorithm failed to create jobs based on Location Group and Location Zone conditions. Improved integration with the Putaway Algorithm to ensure correct location assignments and replenishment job creation.
Fixed an issue in return order processing where attached images were duplicated on the Receiving History screen. Images now appear correctly without duplication, ensuring accurate record-keeping and preventing confusion.
Fixed an issue where damage reasons were not displayed on the Task Details screen during the counting process. The system now correctly retrieves and displays the damage reason for counted products, ensuring accurate tracking for both SKU and location counts.
The “Delete the Jobs If Not Started” functionality, previously disabled due to performance issues, is now re-enabled.
Fixed a duplication issue in the Billing Calculation process where Work Order, Kit, and Component entries were calculated multiple times, leading to incorrect billing outputs.
A bug has been fixed where Work Order lines were not included in the Billing Report Details printout. The print infrastructure has been updated to ensure Work Order records are correctly retrieved and displayed.