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Mobile Carts Guide

How to create, edit, duplicate, print labels for, or delete mobile carts, and what info can be tracked on the Mobile Carts screen.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over a week ago

Mobile carts are essential tools for picking and sorting operations within Logiwa. In this knowledge base article, we will explore the step-by-step procedures for creating, editing, duplicating, or deleting mobile carts. Additionally, you can learn how to print labels for mobile carts and what fields can be tracked from the Mobile Carts screen. By following this guide, you can optimize your picking and sorting workflow using mobile carts and cells.

Create a Mobile Cart

  • To begin, navigate to the Mobile Carts screen.

    • Please use the Search bar if if you cannot locate this screen.

  • Click the Create Mobile Cart button from the upper right side of the screen.

  • Enter the information for the 4 required fields, Code, Select Warehouse, Number of Levels, and Number of Columns. Explanations for each field are below.

  • Available fields:

    • Code*: Enter the unique code for this mobile cart. Required.

    • Select Warehouse*: Select the relevant warehouse. Required.

    • Description: Enter an additional name or description for the mobile cart to be used in the system.

    • Number of Levels*: The number of levels or rows available on the mobile cart. Required. See image below for a diagram.

    • Number of Columns*: The number of columns available on the mobile cart. Required. See image below for a diagram.

  • Once the information is filled out for the cart, click the Next button to continue. This will take you to to Cell List tab.

  • The system will calculate the cell numbers based on the following formula:

    • Number of Levels * Number of Columns = Number of Cells

  • Each cell represents a fixed location on the mobile cart. Explanations for each field are as follows:

    • Cell Name: Auto-generated based on the number of cells entered, with names like CARTNAME_1 for cell 1, CARTNAME_2 for cell 2, CARTNAME_3 for cell 3, etc.

    • Column: Which column the cell can be found on.

    • Level: Which level/row the cell can be found on.

    • Suggestion Sequence: The default cell suggestion sequence follows the progression of the cell numbers.

    • Display Name: The name displayed when using the mobile screen. For example, CARTNAME_1 will have Cell-1 as its Display Name on the mobile screen. This name will be shown when using Pick and Sort.

    • Cell Color: The color assigned to this cell, to aid as a quick visual indicator.

  • To edit an individual cell, select the 3-Dot menu next to the cell's color and select Edit. The user will be able to change the Level, Column, Suggestion Sequence, Display Name, and Assigned Color for the cell from this pop-up. Just remember to click Finish when you're done.

  • After any necessary adjustments are made to the Cell List details, click Finish to create the new mobile cart.

  • If the mobile cart was created successfully, you will receive a confirmation message.

Editing a Mobile Cart

  • To edit a mobile cart, start from the Mobile Carts screen.

  • Select the 3-Dot menu and choose Edit.

  • The editing sidebar will open on the Mobile Cart tab. From here, you can edit the

    Code and Description. You cannot edit the Warehouse, Number of Levels, or Number of Columns.

  • Click Next to move to the Cell List tab.

  • From here, you can edit the cells in a limited capacity. The Suggestion Sequence, Display Name, and Color are editable.

  • Click the Finish button to save your changes. If the changes were saved successfully, you will receive a confirmation message.

Duplicating a Mobile Cart

With this function, you can quickly create multiple carts that have the same setup as duplicated mobile cart. This is useful for quickly creating multiple identical carts, saving time and effort during mobile cart setup.

  • First, find the cart you wish to duplicate. Select the 3-Dot menu from the same line and click Duplicate.

  • Once the Duplicate Mobile Cart sidebar opens, the following fields will be available:

    • Number of Clones: Select how many new mobile carts will be created.

    • Code for [Number] Clone(s): Fields for each of the new carts being created will auto-generate based on the Number of Clones selection. For example, 5 fields will appear if 5 clones are being created. You can use the auto-generated names or adjust as needed.

    • Warehouse: The warehouse in which the new carts will be used. Cannot be modified.

    • Description: The same description as the cart being duplicated. Cannot be modified here.

    • Number of Levels: The number of levels/rows in the cart. Cannot be modified.

    • Number of Columns: The number of columns in the cart. Cannot be modified.

  • After adjusting the cart number and names as needed, click Finish to complete duplication.

  • If the mobile cart was duplicated successfully, you will receive a confirmation message.

Printing Mobile Cart Labels

In order to scan a mobile cart barcode while using Pick and Sort, labels for the mobile carts can be printed from the Mobile Carts screen.

  • To create a label, check the box next to the cart you wish to create a label for, then click Label.

  • Multi-selecting carts is also an option. This will create a single document with all the labels you selected.

  • The following is an example of the PDF that will be created with your labels:

Deleting a Mobile Cart

  • Select the cart(s) you wish to delete, then click the Delete button.

  • You will receive a warning message asking if you are sure you want to delete this mobile cart. To confirm that you wish to delete the mobile cart and the fixed locations that belong to the cart (cells) from the system, click Yes.

    • You cannot delete a mobile cart if there are any tasks assigned to it. If there are no active jobs or pending tasks assigned to the cart, it can be deleted.

  • After the cart has been deleted successfully, you will receive a confirmation message.

Mobile Cart Screen Fields

The following information is available from the Mobile Carts screen for any mobile carts that have been created:

  • Cart Code: Unique code for the mobile cart, called Code during setup.

  • Cart Description: Additional name or description for the mobile cart, called Description during setup.

  • Warehouse: Warehouse the cart is associated with.

  • Status: How the cart is currently being used. Two statuses are available:

    • Occupied: Set when the mobile cart is currently being used for another job and has pending picking/packing tasks on it.

    • Available: Set when the mobile cart does not have any pending picking/packing tasks on it.

  • Num. of Cells: The number of fixed locations on the mobile cart, calculated from the number of levels and columns.

  • Num. of Levels: Number of levels or rows available on the mobile cart.

  • Num. of Columns: Number of columns available on the mobile cart.

  • Num. of Tasks: Number of picking/packing tasks on this mobile cart (if there is a job associated with the mobile cart)

  • Job Code: Job code that is picked on this cart (if any)

  • Num. of Orders: Number of orders in the associated job that is being picked on this mobile cart (if any)

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