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Everything you need to learn about how Logiwa handles inventory.
General Functions in Logiwa
Logiwa Dashboard Guide
Logiwa IO Glossary
Inventory Screen Overview
How to Add Inventory
How to Adjust Inventory
How to Remove Inventory
Add a Note to Inventory
Add Damage Reason during Transfer (Mobile)
Beginning Inventory Guide
Inventory Changes
Remove Item Damage Reason (Mobile)
Import Inventory via Excel File
Create a Back Order
Keep PO Number on Inventory
Create a Shipment Order
Set Shipment Order Status to On Hold
Upload Label or Document to Shipment Order
Shipment Order Updates
Shipment Order Statuses
Edit a Shipment Order
Delete a Shipment Order
Mark a Shipment Order Shipped
Add a Tracking Number to a Shipment Order
Create & Assign 3rdParty Account to Shipment Order
Change Warehouse for Shipment Orders
Cancel a Shipment Order
Cancel Picking in the Shipment Order Grid
Understanding the Difference Between Order Age and Order Processing Age in Logiwa IO
Import Shipment Orders via Excel File
Cancel a Received Line
Receiving by Purchase Order (Mobile)
Create a Purchase Order
Cancel a Purchase Order
Receive a Purchase Order
Edit a Purchase Order
Import Purchase Order via Excel File
Mobile Screen Configuration: Receiving
Cross-Dock Receiving (Mobile)
Report Damage When Receiving (Mobile)
Suggest Putaway Location When Receiving (Mobile)
Minimum Walking Paths for Picking
Create an Allocation Algorithm
Mobile Carts Guide
Pick and Sort (Mobile)
Pick to Location (Mobile)
Report Missing Items When Picking (Mobile)
Skip during Picking (Mobile)
Report Damaged Products When Picking (Mobile)
Grouping Function in the Picking Job Type
Single SKU Cluster Pick Template
Location Barcodes
Attribute Scanning in Picking
Create a Putaway Algorithm
Test a Putaway Algorithm
Test a Rule in a Putaway Algorithm
Transfer and Putaway (Mobile)
Prioritize a Rule in a Putaway Algorithm
Create a Putaway Algorithm for Assigned Locations
Create a Putaway Algorithm to Group by SKU
Create a Putaway Algorithm for Empty Location
Create a Putaway Algorithm for Location Capacity
Putaway Algorithm Conditions
Putaway Algorithm Actions
Transfer from Inventory by Location