Wondering what you can do with Logiwa's screens? This article will show you how to use the general functions available in most areas of Logiwa. Learn about the search bar, how to search with filters, save filters, use preset filters, export data to Excel, hide or display columns, and drag and drop rows to change their order.
Click to expand the sections below and learn more.
Searching and Saving Filters
Searching and Saving Filters
Many screens and lists within sidebars can be narrowed by searching/filtering.
For example, you can type what you want to find into the field that says "Search by code" located on the left side of the Purchase Order screen:
When you hit enter or click the Search icon, the list will be filtered by what you typed. As you can see in the example, this list has been filtered by the code "100."
To remove this filter, click the X or Clear icon.
Likewise, when adding a location, you can search/filter the list of locations:
These are just a few examples of where you might find search options.
To retain the filter you searched by, click the Save icon. You can then enter a name for the filter, then click Create New to add it to the list of filers.
To find the filter you saved, click the Filter button and navigate to the Saved filter section.
Click the Plus (+) icon to search by this filter. You can also use the Delete icon to remove it from the list or the Bookmark icon to move it to the top of the list.
Using Preset Filters
Using Preset Filters
Use the Filter button to add preset filters to the screen/sidebar. Click on the individual categories to see what options you have, then check the terms you wish to filter by. It's also possible to Bookmark a filter and pin your preferred filter categories to top of the list.
An example is from the Products screen:
An example of bookmarked filters:
Excel Export
Excel Export
If you need access to your data in a spreadsheet format, many of Logiwa's pages can be exported as Excel (.csv) files. If available for that page, the Export As Excel button can be found at the bottom right of the screen, along with the total number of lines of data that will be exported.
Upon clicking the button, you will receive a confirmation message and your download will begin shortly afterward.
You can then open the downloaded file and view your data in spreadsheet form.
Excel Import
Excel Import
You may want to use Logiwa's Excel import function to bulk import locations, products, and orders, to save you time and energy. Currently, you can import the following items:
Purchase Orders
Shipment Orders
LP Numbers
Just find the Import button on these pages and follow the steps on the screen to proceed.
Hiding and Displaying Columns
Hiding and Displaying Columns
The columns visible within the data tables on various Logiwa screens can be modified as needed. This is as simple as clicking the Columns icon, which can be found at the top of any page's table on the righthand side. After clicking, the list of available columns will be available to scroll through.
Just check the columns you wish to display and uncheck those you wish to hide, then click Apply. In the following example, Order Code, Store Order Number, and Store will be hidden.
Some sections of Logiwa will display all columns by default, while others will not. If you are looking for data that you expect to be displayed, please check the Columns button to see if it is currently hidden.
Dragging and Dropping Columns
Dragging and Dropping Columns
On top of being able to display or hide columns at will, the order of columns on a screen can be changed via drag and drop.
To use this function, simply click and hold the name of the column you wish to move. It will appear as a button while you have it selected. You will see a Plus (+) icon next to the name of the column when you've moved it to a location you can drop it.
In the following example, Product Type is moved to become the second column on the Products page:
This change will remain after the page has been reloaded.
Adjust Text and Items Shown
Adjust Text and Items Shown
From our web app, you can change the size of text displays by using the Large/Small buttons. Rather than decreasing the text size, the space between items will be reduced. You can also click the Show [Number] Items button to increase or decrease the number of items shown on a single page, though please note that raising the number may increase loading times.
You can locate these options at the bottom left side of most screens.
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