Inventory refers to any quantity of a product that is available for sale. Inventory tracking can help you avoid overselling products and tell you when you need to order or produce more of your product. Logiwa's inventory screen help keep your business running smoothly, and this article will explain how.
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Total Inventory
When you first looking at your inventory, you'll want to start with the Total Inventory screen.
This offers a broad view of all products and warehouses on your account. It includes where products were in the past as well as where they are currently. It is a snapshot of the history of your warehouse.
The following columns are shown by default:
Product Name
Pack Type
Available Quantity
Total Quantity
Open Order Quantity
Product Type
Product Group
Inventory Status
Damage Reason
This view can be customized by clicking the 3 Bar menu on the right hand side of the table. You can also Search, Filter, or Refresh this list, as well as use the Add Inventory button to add more quantity to one of your products.
Total Inventory Tracking
Logiwa adjusts your inventory automatically based on your purchase orders and shipment orders.
When you receive products from your supplier, Logiwa increases the number of products available in your inventory
When you create a shipment order, Logiwa reserves the quantity of the product from inventory for the order. This is one reason it's important to keep inventory up-to-date in Logiwa.
When you ship a shipment order, Logiwa decreases the number of products from your inventory. After shipping, you will see a decrease both Available Quantity and Total Quantity.
A few notes on quantity:
Total Quantity: The quantity you have in stock physically.
Available Quantity: This quantity excludes existing shipment orders that have not been shipped, allowing you to know what is and isn't available for upcoming sales.
Differences between Total Quantity and Available Quantity: The gap between these quantities indicates the quantity of the existing shipment orders that have not been shipped/delivered, providing you with a projection of how many upcoming shipments are expected from your shipment orders.
Inventory by Location
The Inventory by Location tab shows all of your product currently located in your warehouse(s). Whereas the Total Inventory section is a snapshot, the Inventory by Location section allows you to interact with your inventory records.
You can perform the following actions from this screen:
Just like the Total Inventory screen, you can Search, Filter, Refresh, and customize the columns shown using the 3 Bar menu.
Available to Promise
The Available to Promise (ATP) section of Logiwa will help you keep the minimum amount of a given product on hand so that you use your inventory efficiently. It includes information on all of your inventory's total quantity, open shipment order quantity, open purchase order quantity, current ATP, and planned ATP, all in one place. To learn more, please visit this article.
Kit Inventory
The Kit Inventory screen provides a detailed overview of the composition of inventory items assembled into kits or bundles. This can be used to track the inventory levels of individual components within kits and manage kit replenishment. The screen displays information such as the available quantity and total quantity of a given kit, which can be used to maintain optimal stock levels for kits and their components.
All columns in this report are available by default. They are as follows:
Kit Type
Product Name
Pack Type Name
Available Quantity
Total Quantity
Product Type
Product Group
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