What’s New/Improved
TechSHIP carrier integration is now available! TechSHIP offers +150 carrier integrations. It is now possible to create a shipping setup by using a Techship account where shipment rates & labels can be acquired. Learn More
Inventory Status showing whether or not a specific location is available has been added to the grid in the Locations screen.
The Back Order column is added to the Shipment Order screen.
The Product screen design has been changed to allow you to add more than one pack type to the products with ease.
Rate shopping presets can now be assigned with the Set Shipment Instructions action in workflows.
UPS carrier integration setup, carrier API keys pop-up window is updated based on UPS’s new API structure. Access Licence Number is no longer required to create a UPS setup. Additionally, each credential field’s character limit is increased to 200 characters.
The Kit filter is added to the Product screen allowing users to list only kit products on the product grid.
What's Fixed
It was possible to create the same Product or LP capacity assignments in the Locations screen which has been fixed.
There was an issue that impeded the user from seeing some long definitions of the actions in the putaway algorithm screen has been fixed.
The backorder could not be created if the status of the main order is Shortage. This issue has been fixed.
A fix has been implemented for creating & editing products with new serial number tracking parameters via Excel Import and Open API.
Scan Serial Number During Receiving & Packing
Scan Serial Number During Packing Only
Existing custom shipment packages with Use All Clients access were not selectable for shipment orders where newer carrier integration setups are applied to a shipment order on the packing station. That issue has been fixed.
Inventory Sync Webhook is available now! With this subscription method, all inventory changes can be received in real time. Learn More