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03/06/2024 Release Notes
Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over 11 months ago

Welcome to the March release notes for Logiwa IO, where our aim is to help you fulfill brilliantly. This month, we're pleased to announce a number of updates and enhancements tailored to optimize your fulfillment processes. From new fields like location barcode to Open API additions to custom branding, this update is geared towards introducing and enhancing a wide variety of features.

Custom Branding

Custom Branding offers the chance to imbue your unique brand identity throughout the Logiwa IO platform. With custom branding, replace Logiwa's logo and favicon with your own distinct branding elements, including a custom domain URL and a tailored login screen for your clients. Send personalize automated email communications by specifying the sender's email address, crafting bespoke email templates, and configuring SMTP and SSL settings for heightened security. This comprehensive array of customization options empowers you to cultivate a cohesive and immersive brand experience for your clients within the Logiwa platform.

Location Barcode Field

Introducing Location Barcode, a new field seamlessly integrated with the existing Location Code on the mobile screen. While initially identical by default, users now have the flexibility to use different values for these fields. The system will display the Location Code to users but mandate scanning of the corresponding Location Barcode for verification on mobile screens, ensuring that users are present at the physical location.

Task Swap Parameters

Three new parameters have been added to the Shipment Order Type screen. When these parameters are enabled, users will have the ability to pick a different lot or expiry date for the allocated product, or they can select another LP from the same location instead of the originally assigned one. This feature provides pickers with enhanced flexibility, empowering them to manage picking operations more effectively.

The three parameters are explained below:

  • Allow Lot Number Swap On Picking: The user will be able to select LP/items in the task with various lot numbers. However, the items must be identical, and the LP must contain the same products in the same quantity.

  • Allow LP Swap On Picking: The user will be able to select a different LP for the task. However, the LP must contain identical products with the same quantity.

  • Allow Expiry Date Swap On Picking: The user will be able to select LP/items in the task with varying expiry dates. However, the items must be identical, and the LP must contain the same products with the same quantity.

Job Management Enhancement

Users can now create labels from the Job Management screen using the Create, Void, and Reprint buttons that were previously available on the Shipment Order screen, allowing users to print carrier labels for jobs during job management.

What's New/Improved

  • We are now tracking listings based on their store currency.

    • Example: A scenario in which you have two separate Shopify stores for both Canada and the USA that sell the same product. In this case, two listings will be created for each store, each with its own currency.

  • The Job Content Printout has been added to the Job Management screen. This printout is essential for our upcoming pre-cartonization jobs. It displays the order number and tracking number of the orders to be picked and guides the user to the relevant cell.

  • Due to recent changes in Serial Number Management parameters in the Product setup, we have added the related fields to the Bulk Import Product Excel and Bulk Update Product Excel sheets.

  • After setup, carrier account information is now visible (read-only) on the carrier's Setup screen. Identifying credentials will be masked for your security.

  • Currency can now be configured from each carrier setup.

    • Example: If CAD is set for a FedEx setup, this will enable the system to send rate and label requests in CAD and receive labels in CAD when using that setup.

  • Total Amount fields have been removed from the main dashboard.

  • The Pick and Pack feature has been enhanced so that users can apply tier-based pricing according to three specific calculation methods:

    • Configure different pricing for the first item picked in an order.

    • Set unique pricing for the first item of each SKU in an order.

    • Determine pricing based on products picked within a specific timeframe, independent of the order.

  • Users can now view 10 items rather than only 5 when creating a count.

  • LP numbers can now be edited on the LP Number table by selecting a record and clicking on the Edit button. LP number code, weight, dimension, and volume details can be modified using the LP Number Edit sidebar.

  • LP Type has been added to the Billing screen as a condition for the Receiving operation type when fees are calculated by product. This will enable LP volume, LP type, and LP weight to be considered during billing.

  • Shopify updates:

    • Our Shopify setups can now be configured to support multiple locations and warehouses in Logiwa. Users need to assign a warehouse for each location they have in Shopify. Note: You cannot assign the same Shopify location to different Logiwa warehouses.

    • It is now possible to enter different tokens for each process. This improvement aims to resolve throttle issues faced by high-volume Shopify operations.

    • Users can now configure their setup to pull orders from Shopify based on payment status. Payment status has also been added to shipment orders. The payment status can now be viewed from the Shipment Order page.

  • Channel Payment Status has been added as a new condition to our Workflow feature. With this condition, users can create workflows based on their order's channel payment statuses and manage their shipment orders.This is only available for Shopify right now.

  • A Run button has been added to the Integration Monitoring screen. It can be used to trigger the integration process immediately, bypassing the scheduled time.

  • Packing instructions entered on the Product screen are now displayed on the Packing screen.

  • LP editing is now available from the Pick to Location screen. Users can edit LPN's length, width, height, actual weight, and actual volume information and be able to see the calculated weight and calculated volume (based on the inventory on the LPN).

  • Location Zone and Location Group columns have been added to the Inventory by Location screen. Users will now have the capability to filter by these columns as well.

  • New columns have been added to the Product Excel Export and Location Excel

    Export reports.

  • The Kit Product Name field has been added to the Shipment History table, which makes it possible to see the kit product of components that were shipped.

  • It is no longer possible to receive Kit-to-Order items by using the Inventory Excel Import function.

  • The Actual Volume field is now visible on the LP Number Listing table for each LP number record.

  • Currency values are now available in the Shipment Order Detail table.

  • The isPartial filter has been successfully added to Wave conditions. This allows users to check not only complete statuses but also partial statuses for the wave rule.

  • Changes related to editing LP numbers are now visible on the Change Log report.

  • Billing updates:

    • Users can now input decimal numbers in various conditions within the Billing module. This enhancement ensures that users can input precise measurements and costs, facilitating more accurate calculations and analyses within the system. The VAS entry feature also now allows this function.

    • Additional storage operation calculation options have been added to the system. This update aims to enrich the 3PL-billing system with versatile calculation methods, including end-of-period assessment, daily peak inventory levels, and summation of daily inventories. Users will be able to select their preferred method to accurately calculate storage fees according to their inventory management strategies.

    • An improvement to Billing custom field conditions and comparators ensures that all pertinent Operation Types and their respective Fee By fields in the Billing setup integrate the required custom fields as conditions. Through analyzing custom field options found in important screens like Product, LP, Location, and Shipment Order, the system will now automatically add these fields as conditions in Billing agreements, along with their associated comparators.

    • Volume-based picking charges have been incorporated into our billing system. With the introduction of tier-based billing, users can manage billing charges according to the number of shipment orders or products picked.

What's Fixed

  • A bug was occurring when users attempted to remove Charge If from their Billing conditions. This has been corrected.

  • Some details pulled from channels were missing from the Product Listing page because they were not mapping correctly. This has been fixed.

  • E-mail information was missing for orders retrieved from WooCommerce due to a mapping issue. The e-mail field now maps into the expected shipment order field.

  • While creating or editing printouts, the pagination function was not working properly under Client and Warehouse Access settings; this issue has been resolved.

  • There was an issue with the display of Product images in the mobile application. This issue has been resolved.

  • There was an issue where the Shipment Order Excel Export sheet did not properly display the Customer Email. This has been corrected.

  • Previously, when a user reported a product as Missing and there were no other tasks remaining on the job, the Packing screen was still showed the canceled task due to the Missing operation. Now, if the task is canceled, the mobile screen will show the job's completion accurately.

  • There was an issue in the system where Carrier selection was required to use the Shipment Package Type condition. Users now have the option to select a Carrier to view Carrier Shipment Packages. If no Carrier is selected, the condition can still be set using the Shipment Package Types created within the system.

  • Previously, the capacity of a product could not be allocated to different locations during bulk import via Excel template. This issue has been resolved.

  • On the LP Numbers screen, if a saved filter was applied, some records were not updating when additional pages of results were viewed. This issue will no longer occur.

  • The Add SKU action in workflows was not functioning correctly when Kit-to-Order products were being inserted into shipment orders. This issue has been resolved.

  • Previously, there were issues with some of the LP parameters in job types used for replenishment. Replenishment tasks can now successfully allocate the required units at specific locations to cover requirements based on where unit replenishment is prioritized. If the available units can't fulfill the entire demand, the system supplements the missing parts from the LP.

  • Previously, when creating split count jobs with an assignee selected, the split was not functioning correctly. This issue has been corrected.


  • It is no longer possible to receive Kit-to-Order items by using the PO Receiving and Create Inventory endpoints.

  • FromDamageReasonName and ToDamageReasonName fields have been added to the Inventory Transaction webhook.

  • All shipment plan operations are now available in Logiwa's Open API. Users can create, edit, and list shipment plans. Additionally, you can list LPs and shipment orders within shipment plans.

  • Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs) can now be generated programmatically through API.

  • Webhook SHA256 hash data has been added to the header for security validation.

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