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Custom Branding

An overview of what's available with our custom branding.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over a week ago

Are you interested in improving brand visibility when utilizing Logiwa with your clients? Our custom branding feature offers an optimal solution. Rather than employing Logiwa's branding, you can showcase your own brand, logo, and other tailored details within our web-based client interface. This paid feature enables you to present Logiwa's system as your own product, ensuring a seamless experience for your users.

Interested in using this feature? Reach out to our team to learn more! You'll need to have this add-on activated to make the changes discussed below.

Edit Custom Branding

Once your Custom Branding add-on is activated, you can make changes to your branding by selecting the Edit button from the Add-Ons page.

General Details

In this section, you can modify some of the general options for your website. Enter the changes that are right for your brand. Explanations for each potential change are below.

  • Your Web App URL: Set the web address to your site to reflect your brand.

    • Please note that the maximum character limit is 100 characters.

  • Favicon Logo: Add a touch of professionalism to your website with the small icon displayed in web browser tabs and bookmarks.

  • Primary Button Color Code: Choose a color that represents your brand for the primary button in Logiwa.

Login Page Details

These details will appear on the Login page of the desktop version of Logiwa.

  • Logo: Replace Logiwa's logo with your own to make a strong first impression on your users.

  • Lifestyle Image: Customize the default flavor image shown on the Login screen to create an experience consistent with your brand.

  • Header Text: Add an on-brand tagline or welcome message to engage your users.

  • Body Text: Provide additional information or instructions specific to your company to guide users through the login process.

An example of a customized Login page:

Header Details

The details in this section will relate to the header that appears on most pages in Logiwa.

  • Web App Logo: Display your brand's logo prominently in the header to reinforce your identity.

  • Header Background Color Code: Select a color for the header that complements your brand and sets the tone for the entire user interface.

  • Text and Icons Color Code: Choose colors for the text and icons throughout the interface that align with your brand identity and ensure readability and visual consistency.

  • Search Bar and Icon's Background Color: Customize the background color of the search bar and icon to maintain a consistent look.

  • Hide/Display Help Menu: Tailor the system to your needs by choosing to hide or display the help menu. If you do display the help menu, you can also customize the URL.

    • Custom Help Page URL: Redirect users to your own help page for personalized assistance.

An example of a customized header, including web app logo, changes to text, and icon colors:

Email Details

This final section relates to customizing your automated emails generated by Logiwa so they visibly come from your brand.

  • SMTP Settings: Choose whether to enable or disable the use of SMTP settings for your email communication.

  • SMTP Server: Enter your server address to ensure seamless email delivery.

  • Server Port No: Specify the port number required for your SMTP server configuration.

  • Display Name: Customize the sender’s name displayed in outgoing emails.

  • Use SSL: Decide whether to use SSL encryption for secure email transmission.

  • Email Address: Provide the email address from which your system will send notifications.

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