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Logiwa Analytics

A broad overview of our add-on Logiwa Analytics' functions, with links to learn more.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over 9 months ago

This article serves as an overview to accessing and utilizing the powerful Logiwa Analytics tool. Analytics bridges the gap between raw data and actionable insights, allowing businesses to make informed decisions based on clear visualizations of complex data. Once you've started using Analytics, it's straightforward to create custom dashboards or use pre-made ones, explore various data sources, and track your warehouse's performance effectively.

If you'd like to start using Analytics, please contact your Customer Success Manager to get started. Once you have access, Analytics can be activated from the Add-Ons screen.

Features and Functions

Logiwa Analytics offers a range of features to help you harness the full potential of your data. Click on each section below to learn more.

Pre-Built and Custom Dashboards

A Dashboard is a customizable container for one or more visuals, which are what represents the data pulled from the system. Logiwa Analytics comes with a number of pre-built dashboards, but they can also be created as needed.

Once a dashboard has been created, it can be named, sorted, and searched to be used repeatedly. It is recommended that the visuals in a dashboard be related for easier data analysis; however, this is not a requirement.

For more information on creating dashboards, cloning dashboards, pre-built dashboards, and other topics, please refer to the Logiwa Analytics: Dashboards article.

Visuals Made from Data

Visuals are what you add to a dashboard to visualize the data sources you have access to. Each visual typically presents one metric broken down by a criterion over time, though some visuals use other criteria. Visuals have extensive filters that can be used to add or remove data, thereby allowing for more granular control of the data you see at a given time.

Data within the data sources be shown as various types of visual, including:

  • arc gauges

  • bar graphs

  • box plots

  • combo charts

  • donuts

  • floating bubbles

  • heat maps

  • KPI charts

  • line graphs

  • packed bubbles

  • pie charts

  • scatter plots

  • tables and pivot tables

  • word clouds

The styles and contents of visualizations can be extensively customized. For an in-depth look at this topic, visit the Logiwa Analytics: Creating Visuals article.

Comprehensive Data Sources

Data sources are the collections of data used to generate visuals in dashboards and reports. This list contains a brief overview of what each source provides. Each data source refreshes every 15 minutes. Once loaded, there is no need to refresh your screen to get updates; dashboards will also be refreshed automatically.

Billing: This is the source of billing data. You can find your calculated billing records and use them to create reports.

History: Includes the history of changes to most fields within the warehouse, from accounts active to product names, transaction times, and more.

Inventory: This data source shows the inventory in your warehouse(s). In addition, you can find location/item/LP-related fields and create visuals based on these values.

Inventory Snapshot: Displays a more limited view of the inventory in the warehouse.

Item Master: This data source provides item master data with a variety of item fields like item main, sub, detail category, sales/purchase price, serial, lot, expiration date, production date, etc.

Location: This data source includes information related to warehouse locations.

Missing Item Log: This data source tracks data on missing items, such as their item ID, sales price, quantity, or which client they belong to.

Order Carrier Label: This data source includes important carrier information.

Order Details Info: This data source covers item details, quantities, prices, order status, and other such information.

Order Master: This data source covers a wide range of order master data, ranging from address and customer details, carrier/markup rates, and data on shipping time.

Order Shipment: This data source shows shipment order data including awaiting and shipped orders, along with other fields like shipment order detail fields, customer & address-related fields, item-related fields, etc.

Receiving: This data source provides receiving data including awaiting and completed orders, along with other fields like receipt order master/detail fields, vendor & address-related fields, item-related fields, etc.

Task/Job Count: This data source contains information about counts.

Task/Job All: The broadest Task/Job data set, will display all fields related to tasks and jobs from the system.

Task/Job: This data source allows you to see tasks with statuses, shipment order master fields, location-related fields, item-related fields, etc.

Task/Job Replenishment: Narrows the task/job data set to focus on replenishment-related information.

​User Productivity: This data source provides information about user performance based on warehouse and client. You can combine picked, packed, replenished, received, and counted quantities.

User and Dashboard Access Management

It's easy to manage user access to Logiwa Analytics as well as individual dashboards. This section will walk you through granting/removing user access, then dashboard access.

User Access

  • To manage user access, navigate to the Add-Ons screen. To find the Add-Ons section, hover over the Profile icon while on any page, then select Add-Ons from the menu.

  • Click the Users button to edit user access. This button will show the total number of users who can access the add-on and how many are currently using it.

  • Access is managed via Seats that you assign to users. You can assign users an Editor seat if you want to give them access to building Logiwa Analytics dashboards. Set them to a Viewer seat if you do not want to permit editing access.

  • To find users to give access to, use the Search user by e-mail field. Once the user has been selected, click the Viewer Access or Editor Access buttons to enable access.

  • Click Save to record your user access preferences.

Dashboard Access

  • To manage dashboard access, navigate to the Analytics screen.

  • Hover over the dashboard you wish to modify, then select the Manage Access icon.

  • From the Manage Access pop-up, use the Search User field to find users to add or remove dashboard access to. The example below shows a user with access enabled.

  • To remove access, click the Access button to the disabled state.

  • To finish, click Save to record your changes.

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