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Narify glossary

Learn the common terms that you might see as you're working in Narify.

Cecilie Refsnes Milenkovic avatar
Written by Cecilie Refsnes Milenkovic
Updated over 5 months ago

This glossary defines common terms that you might see as you're working in Narify, or throughout our Knowledge Database. 🔍



The Narify Academy is where you'll find insights, inspiration and courses to get certified, as well as an overview on your teams progress on the aforementioned.

Add image

Add image in the content editor is for when you're creating a post with an image.

Add media

Add media in the content editor is for when you're creating a post with a video.

Add a document

Add a document in the content editor is for when you're creating a post with a document, example pdf.


An admin has the owner rights of the organization and teams, billing and subscription plan. An organization can have multiple admins.

AI settings

This is where you can customize the AI for your organizations content editor ideas and suggestions. Here you'll have the opportunity to choose how creative the AI should be when coming up with new ideas, what tone of voice suits your organization and give the AI some input on who's your customer and what are the main activities for your business.


Get an overview of what you, your team members, your team or organization accomplishes in terms of numbers while being active on LinkedIn.

Ask for feedback

This is a publishing option in the content editor where you can send the post you wrote to your team leader, a specific team member, the whole team or your ghostwriter (content creator) – and ask for feedback. Through comments or suggestions you can apply by the click of a button, your team can improve the quality of your posts. You'll find the post you sent for feedback in collaborate.

Assigned slot(s)

These are time and dates assigned to you or others, when you should post your next post. You will see them under "Up next" on your Dashboard or under the calendar in Schedule.



The B in the content editor is used to create bold text.



The collaborate page is the waving hand icon. This is where your post ends up if you ask for feedback, you'll find other posts that awaits feedback, and if the review flow is activated you'll also find posts that awaits approval. Empower your team by commenting and suggesting how to improve their post.


This is an analytic metric for how much you and your team collaborate, summarizing comments and suggestions.


This is a feedback option in collaborate where you can give your team members or employees comments on the post. Use this feature to empower and improve each other.

Content editor

The content editor or the editor is where you write your posts and can view them in preview (how they will look on LinkedIn on a phone, tablet or computer), in realtime.

Create a poll

Create a poll in the content editor is for when you're creating a post with a question and options for your readers to engage with the post.



The dashboard is the home screen. Here you'll get an overview of this months stats, drafts, assigned slots, scheduled posts, feedback, the newest insights and inspiration videos and your progress in the academy.


These are unpublished posts created in the content editor.



The editor or content editor is where you write your posts and can view them in preview (how they will look on LinkedIn on a phone, tablet or computer), in realtime.



This is a game changer! This is your opportunity to work as a team and empower each other. Give feedback on your team members post through comments or give suggestions on how to make it better. You'll find posts that awaits feedback in collaborate.



This is a role with admin and team leader permissions (excl. billing). The ghost will be a member of your organization, but not a part of the team.

Give suggestion

This is a feedback option in collaborate where you can give your team members or employees specific feedback on the post, and they can use the suggestion of change in the click of a button. Use this feature to empower and improve each other.




The I in the content editor is used to create italics text.


Based on your content tags, language and last five posts you will get small post idea snippets that you can use for your next post.


Impressions are how many who have seen your post on LinkedIn.









Publish post to LinkedIn. Click the down-arrow to get more options, see: Schedule, Publish Now, Ask for feedback and Recommend post.




Reactions is how many likes your post has received.

Recommend post

This is a publishing option in the content editor where you can send the post you wrote to a specific team member, or team members – because you recommend them to either post what you wrote from their own profile (or company profile), or for them to use the post as a starting point for their own post.


This is where you'll have an overview of the posts you've recommended to others, and where you can see, publish or edit posts that are recommended to you by others.


When review flow is enabled all posts created and published in the content editor are sent to collaborate to be approved of an admin or team leader before you can publish or schedule it. You'll find posts that awaits review in collaborate.

Review flow

Some organizations like to have control of what is published related to their employees and company – we got your back. As an admin you can enable the review flow in the organizations settings with the click of a button. All posts created and published in the content editor are sent to collaborate to be approved of an admin or team leader before the user can publish or schedule it. You'll find the posts to approve in collaborate.




Sidebar top

The navigation menu on the left side of the application, from dashboard to academy.

Sidebar bottom

The navigation menu on the left side of the application, from chat to settings.


A slot is a date and time in the schedule that you can be assigned, or you can assign others to publish a post. The slot can also contain a comment on what the post should be about.

SSI Score

This is your Social Selling Index based on LinkedIn's own Sales Navigator tool. It tells you how you're doing based on four components, compared to others in your industry and network. The components are establishing your professional brand, finding the right people, engage with insights and building relationships.



Tags or post tags are keywords or topics that your team members can use for their posts, and they can be used for analytics purposes. Example: You're a software company that empowers teams on LinkedIn. The ambassadors should write about and use these tags: LinkedIn, Content Creation, Social Selling, Inbound Marketing, Teamwork.


A team is a group and consists of team members working together to accomplish something together. Some organizations like to create teams based on locations, departments or projects, thats why you can create multiple teams in Narify.

Team image

Upload an image that represents your team. A company logo or a great team photo from your last social gathering? You choose.

Team leader

This is a role with permission to

Team member

This is a role with permission to

Team name

Give the team a name. The company name, department name, location name or maybe your teams internal go-to-name when doing team building activities? You choose.







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