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All CollectionsWhat's New2023 - Release Notes
Release Notes - December 15, 2023
Release Notes - December 15, 2023
Updated over 6 months ago

Updates to Auction Items

We've made updates to our "Items" page within Auctions, making it easier to understand the status of each item during (and after) your auction.

On the "Items" page, we've added a new column for an item's "status," which will indicate which items are sold out, as well as when a bidding timeframe for a silent auction's item has ended, or when an auction item is part of a live bidding opportunity.

We've also added a column on the "Items" page that displays the name of an item's winner (or winners), so you no longer have to go to the individual item's page to see who had the winning bid.

Donations on Auction Pages Now Live

We've added the ability for your auction participants to add a donation on top of their winnings.

During checkout, participants will be asked if they'd like to add an additional donation.

Visitors to the auction's page will also have the ability to donate - we've added a button that they can click, and a donation form will "slide" out for them to fill out.

"Deceased" Field Now Available in Donor Management

We've added a field in Donor Management that now clearly indicates when one of your contacts has passed away, so you no longer need to rely on a custom field for that information.

This field can be found towards the bottom of the page when you are actively editing a contact record, and can also be seen on both a contact's profile and contact card. (You can now also import deceased contacts into Donor Management via our Data Import tool, if you choose.)

Additionally, deceased contacts will automatically be marked as "inactive," and will have all communications suppressed going forward.

If you previously used a custom field to indicate when a donor is deceased, you can select those contacts from the "Contacts" screen and select the option to "Mark as Deceased" from the dropdown options under "Bulk Actions."

Adding Usage Limits to Promo Codes in Events Pages

You now have the option to limit how many times a specific promo code is used on an Event Page.

When creating a promo code, you'll now be prompted to set a limit to how many times a promo code can be used.

Please note that these limits go by number of actual tickets that utilize the promo code - not the number of guests. Some tickets, such as "tables," may include more than one guest.

You can also now easily view how many times a promo code has been used from the "Tickets" tab on your Event Overview page.

Easier Reporting Added to Stripe Payout Reports

Stripe Payout Reports, located in Fundraising Pages, will now include each donor's first name and last name; previously, the report only included email addresses.

This addition will make it easier for nonprofits to identify their donors, and they no longer will have to use the email as the sole reference point for each donation.

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