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Release Notes - January 2023
Updated over 7 months ago

You’ve Got Ideas, We’ve Got an Ideas Portal!

We love customer feedback – it helps us to better understand how you and your organization are using our products, and how we can continually improve those products to make things easier for both you and your donors.

With this in mind, we’ve created our own “Ideas Portal” - a place within your Donor Management System where you can submit your suggestions directly to our Product Team!

For more information on how the Ideas Portal works, check out our related guide here.

More Customizable Bidder Reports and Easier Access to Items and Bidders

We’ve continued to adjust and improve our new Auctions platform, to make things even easier when managing your auction!

It’s now much easier to navigate to your items and bidders directly from your Auctions Dashboard – we’re added clickable links to bring you directly there from that main page.

We’ve also made it easier to export a report of your bidders! You now have more control over which bidders are exported out in your reports, and have the ability to select specific individuals to be included (or excluded) in those reports.

For more information on filtering and reporting on your Auction, please click here.

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