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Release Notes - June 2019
Updated over 6 months ago

Attribute fundraising success to emails

When viewing email results in Donor Management, you’ll see a new stat: “Raised”. This tells you how much you have raised from email recipients clicking and donating or purchasing tickets through the Everyday Giving Page or Event Ticketing Page that is hyperlinked in this email blast.

Increase confidence when sending text messages and tracking text-to-give donations

There are three new updates to our text messaging feature:

  • View donations made through text-to-give: You can now create a giving filter that will display donations that originated through text-to-give.

  • Send text messages to mobile numbers only: When you send a text message blast, we will first confirm that the number in your Donor Management System is a mobile number. If it’s a mobile number (and the donor hasn’t unsubscribed) the text will be delivered. If it’s a landline, you’ll see a helpful message in the contact’s profile letting you know that the phone number is not a mobile number and can’t receive texts.

  • See donors who unsubscribe from texts: When editing a contact’s profile you will now see a message below their mobile phone number confirming the donor has unsubscribed from text messages.

Control the donor scroll on each Fundraising Page

You can now turn off the donor scroll on a page by page level. When editing an Everyday Giving Page or Peer-to-Peer Campaign, unselect “Display the donor scroll” under the Donor Scroll Settings section and it will be disabled for that campaign page only.

Reach out to donors in a specific geographic area

If you are hosting a local event or want to send out fundraising results for a project in a certain neighborhood to local donors only, you can now generate a list to include donors in a certain geographic area based on zip code!

By using the filter “Distance in miles from zip code” found under the Contact home address section in the filter drop down menu, you can now find donors who live within a certain area.

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