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Sharing NEXS1 and NEXC1 Drive Clips
Updated over 3 months ago

This guide will show you how to share NEXS1 and NEXC1 Clips online.

How to Share NEXS1 and NEXC1 Clips

You can share NEXS1 or NEXC1 videos online directly from the Nexar Classic app. After creating a clip, follow the instructions below.

1. Your phone should be connected to the internet via WIFI or cellular data

2. Enter the Videos tab in the Nexar Classic app

3. Tap the Clip you want to share

4. Tap the Share icon on the upper-right side of the viewer

5. Choose the app where you want to share the Clip

Keep in mind that some apps have a limited shareable file size. Clips that are bigger than this limitation may not be shared successfully. Clips that are saved in the Nexar Classic app can be shared at any time as long as they are saved in the Nexar Classic app or saved to cloud.

Having Trouble Accessing Your NEXS1 or NEXC1 Videos?

Use our troubleshooting instructions for NEXS1 and NEXC1 to help in case you get into a bumpy road.

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