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Where NEXS1 and NEXC1 Drive Videos Are Saved
Updated over 3 months ago

This article will help you understand how Nexar efficiently backs up your NEXS1 and NEXC1 drives in multiple locations.

What are "Residencies"?

We call the places where your videos are stored "residencies". Having more residencies increases the chances of recovering your videos.

There are three residencies where your NEXS1 and NEXC1's drive recordings are saved: The dash cam's Internal Memory, Nexar Classic app, and Nexar Cloud.

NEXS1 and NEXC1's Internal Memory

The NEXS1 and NEXC1 have a detachable SD card.

Your NEXS1 and NEXC1 dash cam will record as soon as it starts receiving power. Drives are saved in the dash cam's internal memory even if your phone is not paired or connected. Once full, old drive recordings are deleted to make space for new drives.

If you have important videos that were not saved in the Nexar Classic app, please get them from the SD card or internal memory immediately before they get overwritten with newer drive videos. Click here to learn more:

Nexar Classic

Drive recordings are saved to the Nexar Classic app as long as your phone is connected via WiFi and Bluetooth and the app remains open throughout the drive. You can start to streaming videos to the Nexar Classic app automatically or by tapping the Stream button on the home screen.

By default, the Nexar Classic app reserves 50% of your phone’s storage to save videos, but this allocation can be adjusted based on your driving needs. When Nexar Classic's designated phone storage is full, older videos are replaced with newer ones.

About Drives and Clips

You will see two types of videos when using the Nexar Classic app: Drives and Clips.

Drives are videos of your entire journey. They are saved in the Nexar Classic app's Videos tab. They are useful for playback or as evidence for insurance claims. The Nexar Classic app will automatically delete drives to free up space on your phone.

You need to create a Clip in order to share Drives from the Nexar Classic app. Clips are automatically saved to the Nexar Cloud so you can watch it anytime and anywhere you want.

Clips are shorter parts of Drives saved on both your phone and Nexar Cloud.

Clips are created when the Nexar Classic app detects events such as hard brakes or collisions while you're driving. You can also create Clips manually while driving or after you’ve completed your drive.

To share a Clip online, use the Share button on the Clip Summary screen in the Nexar Classic app.

How Drives and Clips Are Deleted

Deleting NEXS1 or NEXC1 videos manually from the Nexar Classic app will permanently remove them from the Nexar Cloud. Overwritten recordings are only deleted from the phone storage.

The Nexar Classic app deletes videos saved on the phone to save space. This is done in two ways:

1. NEXS1 and NEXC1 Drives are automatically deleted through loop recording. As the phone storage space fills up, older drives are overwritten with new ones. Saving important moments as clips ensures they are permanently stored in the Nexar Cloud.

2. You can also delete NEXS1 and NEXC1 videos in the Nexar Classic app manually

When Deleting Your Nexar Classic

All videos that are saved locally on your phone storage will be deleted when you uninstall the Nexar Classic app. However, videos that have already been uploaded to the Cloud are still accessible to you in the Nexar Classic app's Videos tab.

Nexar Cloud

Only NEXS1 and NEXC1 Clips are backed up to the cloud server. These Clips can be uploaded to the cloud using the cellular data or WiFi connection. You can retrieve these cloud-saved clips by following the steps here.

Clips that are saved in the Nexar Cloud are saved there permanently. Manually deleted recordings are gone forever, so be careful when deleting videos from the Nexar Classic app.

Having Trouble Accessing Your NEXS1 or NEXC1 Videos?

Use our troubleshooting instructions for NEXS1 or NEXC1 to help in case you get into a bumpy road.

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