We're proud to offer all new users a 14-Day Free Trial period which gives you a chance to try out many of the premium features included in our Business Plan. This is a risk-free way to help you determine if NextMe is a good fit for your business.
Trial Period Details
Starts automatically after you create your account and fill out your business details.
Lasts for two weeks and you'll get email reminders as you near expiration.
No credit card required. We'll automatically downgrade you to our Free Plan if you haven't chosen a plan at the end of your trial period.
Your trial period mirrors the feature entitlements included in our Business Plan, with the following exceptions:
Limited to 1 location, 1 user, and 500 messages.
Custom notification editing is not available during your trial. If you'd like to see how custom notifications work, reach out to us via chat and we'll be happy to help you out.
Any premium data created during your trial period will be deleted if you don't upgrade to a plan that includes those features within two weeks of trial expiration.