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Understanding Callbacks within Nooks
Andrez C. avatar
Written by Andrez C.
Updated over a week ago

Managing Callbacks in Nooks

Getting callbacks from prospects is a rare but valuable opportunity, so it's crucial to make it easy for them to reach out to you. Located prominently in your Dialer Settings is the Callbacks section, where you can designate the number to which all incoming calls will be directed. We highly recommend using your personal mobile phone for this purpose so that you can always answer the calls on time.

Callback Settings Location:

  • Open the dialer screen.

  • Click on the Settings icon in the top-right corner of your screen.

  • Select the Settings button.

  • Navigate to your Dialer Preferences.

  • Find the Callbacks section.

  • Choose whether you want to receive callbacks in Nooks or on your mobile phone.

    • If selecting "On Mobile," enter your preferred mobile phone number.

Here is how it works if you choose the "In Nooks" option:

When you are idle in Nooks (not actively making calls):

  • A prospect calling back triggers a friendly banner accompanied by ringing audio.

  • You can either accept or decline the call, with declining swiftly removing the banner and audio.

  • Opting to accept not only removes the banner and audio but also opens up the prospect's information for your immediate attention.

Already on Another Call:

  • In this scenario, you'll still see the banner, but without the ringing audio to maintain a focused environment.

  • Accepting the callback will gracefully conclude your current call, seamlessly transitioning to the incoming one.

  • If you prefer to stay on your ongoing call, simply decline, and the banner will discreetly disappear.

For times when you step outside the Nooks environment, we recommend switching back to your Mobile phone number for uninterrupted connectivity. Embrace the flexibility, and rest assured that managing callbacks is designed to be effortlessly positive and efficient within the Nooks option.

Finding the Callback Records:

In the 'Callbacks' section, you'll find a clear record of completed (answered) callbacks and missed opportunities, enabling you to follow up effectively later on.

Example of what a callback looks like inside of Nooks

Example of callback lists inside of Nooks

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