Email notifications are sent to notify you of an update. For example, a new CV has been received. You can turn them on or off.
From the left side menu select “Settings”
Click on User Settings
Click the button On or Off to calibrate your notifications
Please note that the email notification Auto-response for new CVs is set as the default for all users in the company. If you, as an administrator, enable this feature, it will apply to all users, meaning every application will trigger an auto-response email. The content and template of this email can be found and customized under the Email Templates section.
To adjust your language settings:
Select "Settings" from the menu.
Navigate to "User Settings."
Choose "Language Options" (English or Polish are currently available)
Time Zone settings:
Click on your settings
Select "User Settings"
Within the language settings section, choose your desired time zone
It is important to set your time zone accurately when using the interview scheduler or integrating your calendar with Occupop. This ensures that interview requests are sent out aligned with the correct time zone.