Magic Frame
Updated over a week ago

What is a magic frame

Magic frames allow you to quickly create the frame for the photo of the deceased to be used in your projects. You can select the photo of the deceased, the background of the frame, and replace the frame itself.

Here is an example of use in the video below.

How you can use it

Add the element “Magic Frame” through the “Elements” menu by clicking on one of the frames present or using those already included in the models that we have created for you.

Select the magic frame, the button will appear in the upper left part of your screen

Once clicked, this menu will appear:

What can you do now?

The elements that you can modify are:

  1. Photo of the deceased

  2. Frame

  3. Frame background

1. Photo of the deceased

Click on the REPLACE button related to the DECEASED PHOTO to replace the sample photo in the magic frame.
From the PHOTOS menu that opened automatically, select one of the photos or upload a new photo and then select the same one.

Click 2 times on the magic frame to be able to edit the photo of the deceased.

Use the controls (dots) to be able to change the size of the photo or click and drag the photo to move it within the frame.

Click twice on the photo to finish editing the photo itself.

- You can always use the function of remove background while the photo of the deceased is selected.

Not sure how to do it? Watch GUIDE

- You can also apply filters and modify saturation, brightness and other effects

Not sure how to do it? Watch GUIDE

2. Frame

Click on the REPLACE button related to the FRAME to replace the frame of the magic frame.

From the ELEMENTS menu that opened automatically, select one of the frames, upload a new photo and then select the same one.

Click on the frame you want to apply and the frame will be automatically replaced with the previous one.

3. Frame background

Click on the REPLACE button related to the BACKGROUND OF THE FRAME to replace the sample background present in the magic frame.

From the BACKGROUNDS menu that opened automatically, click on one of the images to apply it as a background.

The image will be applied as a background as in the image below.

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